4D - Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat 25-28. (2012)

2012 / 28. szám - Márton Lőrinc: A Városmajori park komplex megújítása = The complex renewal of Városmajor park

The entertainers, circuses and pubs attracted lower social strata, gambling gained popularity so that public safety deteriorated and the park's condition was continuously neglected. Architectural activity in the surrounding area started already in the first half of the ígth century, however, this process hasn't accelerated signifi­­cantly until the end of the century. Due to constant constructions, Ördögárok more and more played the role of a wastewater drainage; its segment in Városmajor finally has been coped between igi7 and ig2i. Shortly after­­wards in ig2g, the comprehensive settlement of Városmajor took piacé as the entire park was renewed based on the plans of Károly Ráde, Director General fór Horticulture. The plán kept the baroque basic structure designed by Tallherr and unified the park (2. picture). After the construction of the cog­­wheel railway in 1874 numerous edifices found their piacé in the park which lost more and more of its territory due to the establishment of various institutions: in igi2-i3, based on the plans of Károly Kós and Dénes Györgyi, an elementary school and a kindergarten were raised; later on, the premises of FŐKERT were created next to them. The temple complex of Városmajor, designed by Aladár Árkay and Bertalan Árkay was established next to Csaba Street. The Open Air Stage was built in ig52, and successively a table-tennis hall, a basketball hall, 18 tennis courts and football fields were integrated intő the park. A further loss of Városmajor's territory was caused by the completion of Városmajor Secondary School, built in ig8g (3. picture). CURRENT SITUATION OF THE PARK The most important linear element of Buda's green space system, is situ­­ated along the Ördögárok valley. The green spaces run along the Tabán - Horváth-garden - Vérmező - Város­major - Szilágyi Erzsébet Avenue axis function as an integrated network, although of a reduced efficiency due to the architectural activity that has been taking piacé and brought a rupture intő the picture of this system. This green space axis is alsó a highly important úrban air duct that ensures the aera­­tion of the inner city districts in Pest. Városmajor meríts a much more pres­­tigious role in the green space system of Budapest than it currently does. Due to its Central location, many people use the park as a transportation area and, despite of its favourable position, it lacks an attractive retaining force. Park usage possibilities are offered in a small variety with many functions being unavailable to the public. Város­major, in its current condition, is nőt able to play the role of a city public park which it has the potential to given its piacé in the urban structure and its size. Although Városmajor lies in a highly frequented Central area, its connections 7. kép/pict.: Tervezett térkapcsolatok, úthálózat / Planned spatial relations, road network 3 Zoltán Gombos: Régi kertek Pesten és Budán. Natura, Budapest, 1974. p. 147. 78 8. kép/pict.: Fatelepítési és -kezelési koncepció / Tree planúng and management concept K O LE M P X M E JÍTÁ G Ú S A | 4D 28. S ZÁ 2012 | 55
