Lippay János - Ormos Imre - Vas Károly Tudományos Ülésszak előadásai 2009, Kertészettudomány

Gyümölcstudományi szekció

Lippay János - Ormos Imre - Vas Károly Scientific Symposium 28-30 OCTOBER 2009 Section of Fruit Science APPLE CULTIVARS IN THE BOOK OF 'GYÜMÖLCSÉSZETI VÁZLATOK’ (1877-1887) DezsőSurányi ( Fruit Research Institute, 2 700 Cegléd POB 33. Máté Bereczki was hiding after the fieedom fighters fali (1848/1849). He brought create in lodging of Antal Sármezey at Kunágota, posterior already own property alsó, of European famed fruit gene bank plantation. Bereczki engaged your experiences in the monograph of the Gyümölcsészeti vázlatok. The issue savings and the Aradian Civilian Savings Bank credit used to press. The inter­­ests nippy it had been the apple cultivars upon. Altogether 424 kinds it had been the collection. The pomological results and powers oh him wholly prominent. The Bereczki life-work totally knowing bounden the present specialists in his birth 185,h years alsó. In the four volume are somé cultivars and those data have somé the interesting with preparation. There are pomological traits and markét information of 424 apple cultivars fór fruits. We em­­phasized handled the singular cultivars the piacé of volume, innuendo fór it failing laborious would it be the sort of things portraying frnds in the books. In the Fehérkönyv (White book) starring approved varieties by th State and varieties provisionally permitted to propagation of apple cultivars out of eight same as in the „Vázlatok” already portrayed main apples, so that Batul, Cox orange rennet, Egri piros, Gravenstein, Húsvéti (Entz) rozmaring, Jonathan, London pepin and Nyári fontos). Bút until recent pást yet cultivated alsó others, or only review there had been the erstwhile or­­chards. These are followings: Asztraháni piros, Asztraháni fehér, Aszraháni kései, Baldwin, Blenheim renet, Boskoop-i szépe, Daru alma, Jász vadóka, Kanadai renet, Kecskeméti vajalma, Kenézi piros, Nemes sóvári, Nothem Spy, Nyári csíkos fűszeres, Orbai alma, Parker pepin, Pázmán alma, Piros csörgőalma, Sándor cár, Sikulai, Simonfly piros, Téli arany parmen, Téli citromalma. Téli fehér kálvil, Török Bálint, Tükör alma, Véralma és Zöld rennet cvs., or by Bereczki described cultivar 8,3 % your. The sort of things pomological analyses is show it interesting picture, while of the big fruit ap­ples scale only 16,5 %, that however 70 kind of totál. Most collection apple cv. was médium about the size of fruit, of the little fruit apples, bút mainly character on the basis there had been interesting. Bereczki described 29 forms of apples, in this Götz-system (1989) system means only 6 types. In the Table 2 alsó can be found the ripening time-consuming referable type-distribution, so the summery to August its end, the autumnal apples, which to end of November and winter bút through December, or wholly April may become of consumption more. It had been the Kunágota and Mezőkovácsháza col­lection the recent cultivars structure in apple growing compared to the summer and the autumnal ap­ples scale substantially greater. The book ‘Gyümölcsészeti vázlatok’ contains different papers which mentioned - more technical writing alsó readable, these by more between light, that Bereczki what síidé magnitudes impute the constructive cultivars strategy and the country fruit requirements, thereto origin of singular erstwhile cultivars exculpation very important thought.
