Acta Biologica 44. (1993)

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CONTENTS 2+ Voltage-clamp and single channel analysis of Pb -induced current in isolated snail neurons. 3. Győri, O.N. Osipenko. T. Kiss ............................................................................ 3 Patch-clamp studies of the oxytocin-induced effects in Helix pomatia L. neurons. 0. Osipenko, T. Kiss ....................................................................................................................... 9 Cell-specific effects of lead on cultured neurons of the freshwater snail Planorbarius corrieus. Francesca Bianchi, Anna M.F. Bolognani, B, fratello, Maria A. Sabatini, D. Sonetti ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Acetylcholine level in the brain and other organs of the bivalva Anodonta cygnea L. and its modification by heavy metals. 3. Salánki, D. Budai, L. Hiripi, P. Kása ......... 21 Sensitivities of Aohatina giant neurones to peptides isolated from Mollusca. G.J. Liu, Divina E. Santos, H. Takeuchi ....................................................................................................... 25 Free-radical damage of identified neurones in Lymnaea stagnalis. L.L. Moroz, St.S. Rubakhin, A.A. Frolow, A.V. Kostiuk .......................................................................................... 29 Effects of general anaesthetics on cultured Lymnaea neurones. T. Yar, G, Spencer. W. Winlow ....................................................................................................................................................... 33 The structural multiplicity of Mytilus inhibitory peptides isolated from pulmonate molluscs. T. Ikeda, T. Kiss, L. Hiripi, I. Kubota, Y. Yasuda-Kamatani, H. Minakata, P.T.M. Kenny, K. Nomoto, Y. Muneoka ..................................................................... 37 FMRFamide-related peptides isolated from the prosobranch mollusc Fusinus ferruqineus. Y. Kuroki, T. Kanda, I. Kubota, T, Ikeda, Y. Fujisawa, H, Minakata, Y. Muneoka . 41 Stress-induced release of octopamine in the American cockroach Penplaneta americana l . Petra Möbius, H. Penzlinl ............................................................................................................ 45 125 Galanin immuncreactivity and I-galanin binding sites in the blowfly brain. C.T. Lundguist, Helena A.D.'Johard, 8, Rökaeus, D.R. Lassol .................................................. 51 Pigment-dispersing hormone immunoreactive neurons in the blowfly nervous system. Sakiko Shiga, K.R. Rao, D.R. Nässel ........................................................................................... 55
