Acta Botanica 8. (1962)

1962 / 1-2. szám

INDEX Andreánszky, G. : Contributions à la connaissance de la flore de l’oligocène supérieur de la briqueterie Wind près d’Eger (Hongrie septentrionale)..................................... 219 Bodrogközy, Gy. : Die standortökologischen Verhältnisse der halophilen Pflanzengesell­schaften des Pannonicum. I. Untersuchungen an den Solontschak-Szikböden der südlichen Kiskunság ........................................................................................................................... 1 Borhidi, A. — Soó, R. : Nachtrag zu Ophrys-Studien. Entdeckung der Ophrys apifera in den Budaer-Bergen ......................................................................................................................... 241 Böszörményi, Z.— Cseh, Edit: The Effects of L. Amino-Acids on the Uptake of C14-Glycine, Cll-Tyrosine and S3S-Methionine by Excised Wheat Roots............................................ 39 Garay, A. — Sági, F. : The Importance of Phenols in the “Adaptive” Formation and Action of Auxin Oxidase ............................................................................................................... 51 Hortobágyi, T. : Parallele Morphosen (Konvergenzen, Abnormitäten) bei der Gattung Scenedesmus ............................................................................................................................................ 243 Jankó, В, —Zólyomi, В.: Salvia nutans L. und X S. betonicifolia Ettl. in Ungarn............ 263 Kárpáti, I,—Kárpáti, Vera : The Periodic Rhythm of the Flood-plain Forests in the Flood Area of the Danube between Vác and Budapest in 1960 ................................... 59 Kormos, J. : Einige Bemerkungen über die Karotinfarben der Paprikafrucht.................... 279 Kovács, E. Éva : Untersuchungen an ungarländischen Eichen des Tertiärs. I. Sarma­tische Eichen.............................................................................................................................................. 283 Kovács, E. I. : Influence of Environmental Factors on the Correlative Growth of Cole­optile and Mesocotyl ........................................................................................................................... 93 Kovács. Margit : Übersicht der Bachröhrichte (Glycerio-Sparganion) Ungarns.................... 109 Kovács-Schneider, Magdolna : Examination of the Phosphate Uptake of Di- and Tetra­ploid with P32.............................................................. 145 Maróti, M. : Einige Faktoren des Zellenwachstums in den Maiswurzeln ............................ 303 Mészáros, H. Mária—Novák, A.: Phatosynthetic Investigation of Vine-Hybrids............ 317 Nagy, Eszter : New Pollen Species from the Lower Miocene of the Bakony Mountain (Várpalota) of Hungary.............................................. 153 Nagy, Eszter : Reconstructions of Vegetation from the Miocene Sediments of the Eastern Mecsek Mountains on the Strength of Palynological Investigations......................... 319 Novak, E. K. — Galgóczy, J. : Further Data on Preservation of Fungous Cultures in Pa­raffin Oil and in Quartz Sand.................................................................................................. 165
