Acta Botanica Register 21-30. (1986)


INTRODUCTION The index of the third decade of Acta Botanica Hungarica (formerly Acta Botanica Academiac Scientiarum Hungaricae) is presented in this supplement. The system of the former two indices (I: 1954-1964, II: 1965-1974) is followed. Complete bibliographical data for volumes 21-30 are summarized. A list of papers according to authors (with reference to co­authors and double names), a list of book reviews, a classification of papers according to subjects, and a list of newly described taxa for each phylum (excluding new combinations and coenological names) comprise the contents. It seems worthwhile to make a brief statistical evaluation of the papers published during the past 30 years in the only foreign language botanical journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Table 1 summarizes some general information on the three decades, which will be denoted by I, II and III in the sequel. The total number of pages of the more than 800 papers is 13 500, the number of illustrations is 9363. The proportion of the Hungarian authors to the foreign ones was 92 : 8, 57 : 43 and 70 : 30 in the three respective periods. Table 1 Table 2 shows the percentage distribution of papers in the three decades according to the various fields of botany. These are listed following a decimal system proposed by the author. Since most papers may be assigned to two or more main categories (or two or more subcategories within a category), they are found more than once in the subject index. For DecenniumI (1955-1964) II (1965-1974) III (1975-1984) Sum total Pages 4426 4274 4616 13 551 + tables (inch + 144 + 75 + 16 plates) Illustrations 2258 3557 3548 9 363 Original articles 230 295 296 821 Book reviews— 74 171 245 Authors 127 208 219— (foreign authors) (10) (90) (66)— Taxa nova 298 717 370 1 385
