Acta Chimica 100. (1979)

1-4. szám

ACTA CHIMICA TOM US 100 Fasciculi 1—4 INDEX Ábrahám, G. s. Sohár, P. Antus, S., Nógrádi, M.: Conversion of a 2’-Hydroxyisoflavone to an llH-Benzofuro­[2,3-6] [1] benzopyran-ll-onc ................................................................................................ 179 Aranyosi, К. s. Токе, L. Bäder, I. s. Berecz, E. Baitz-Gács, E. s. Kállay, F. Bartha, L. s. Groh, II. Bartók M., Molnár, Á.: Studies on the Conversions of Diols and Cyclic Ethers, XLIV. Preparation of Lactones, Saturated and Unsaturated Cyclic Ethers by Conversion of Diols With Various Structures on Copper Catalysts. (Relationships between the Structures of the Diols and the Conversion Paths).......................................................... 203 Beck, M. T. s. Joó, F. Benedek, P.: Programmed Elucidation of Mechanisms of Homogeneous Gas Reaction (in Russian)........................................................................................................................................... 53 Bérces, T. s. Förgeteg, S. Berecz, E., Báder, I.: Connection between Electric Conductivity andViscosity inAqueous and Hydrochloric Metal Chloride Solutions..................................................................... 243 Bognár, R. s. Sztaricskai, F. Burger, K. s. Noszál, В. Czira, G. s. Görög, S. CsÁNYI, L. J. S. PÉTER, A. Cser, F., Nyitrai, K., Hardy, Gy.: Mesomorphic Polymers.................................................463 Csizér. É. s. Görög, S. Deák, Gy. s. Zára-Kaczián, E. Dévay, J., Mészáros, L.: Study of the Rate of Corrosion of Metals by a Faradaic Distor­tion Method, I................................................................................................................................. 183 Dobé, S. s. Förgeteg, S. Dudás, É. s. Steingaszner, P. Egyed, I. s. Kállay, F. Farkas, J. s. Kiss, L. Fehér, Zs. s. Gratzl, M. Fenyvesi, É. s. Zsadon, B. Fóti, G. s. Schay, G. Förgeteg, S., Bérces, T., Márta, F., Dobé, S.: Kinetics of Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from n-Butyraldehyde by n-Propyl Radicals......................................................................... Ill Fuggerth, E. s. Sohár, P. Gagyi Pálffy, E. s. Korányi, G. Gall-Istók, К. s. Zára-Kaczián, E. Gegus, E., Kreiter, J., Méray, L., Inczédy, J.: Spectrochemical Investigation of Volatile Components Released in Thermochemical Processes, I. Apparate, System and Ex­perimental Conditions................................................... 221 Görög, S., Laukó, A., Herényi, В., Czira, G., Csizér, É., Tuba, Z.: Analysis of Steroids, XXXIII. Simultaneous Determination of the Reduction Products of Norethisterone Acetate ............................................................................................................................................ 377 Gratzl, M., Fehér, Zs., Nagy, G.,Tóth, К., Pungor, E.: Description of Transient Poten­tiometrie Signals Measured in Injection Analysis Systems................................................ 341
