Acta Chimica 118. (1985)

1. szám

ACTA CHIMICA HUNGARICA A JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Acta Chimica publishes original reports on all aspects of chemistry in English. Acta Chimica is published in three volumes per year, each volume consisting of four issues, by AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1054 Budapest, Alkotmány n. 21. Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should he addressed to Acta Chimica H-1450 Budapest P.0. Box 67 Subscription information Orders should be addressed to KULTURA Foreign Trading Company H-1389 Budapest P.O. Box 149 or to its representatives abroad Acta Chimica is indexed in Current Contents NOTICE TO AUTHORS Acta Chimica publishes original papers on all aspects of chemistry in English. Before preparing a manuscript for submission to this journal authors are advised to consult recent issues. Form of manuscript Manuscripts, tables and illustrations should be submitted in triplicate. Manuscripts should be typewritten double spaced (25 lines, 50 characters per line including spaces). The title page should include (1) the title of the paper, (2) the full names of the autbor(s) in the sequence to be published; apply an asterisk to designate the name of the author to whom corre­spondence should be addressed, (3) name and address of the institution where the work was done. If the paper is part of a series, reference to the previous communication must be given as a footnote. Abstract A summary is printed at the head of each paper. This should not exceed 200 words and should state briefly the principal results and major conclusions of the work. It should be suitable for use by abstracting services.
