Acta Historiae Artium 12. (1966)

1966 / 1-2. szám - D. Radocsay: Renaissance Letters Patent Granting Armorial Bearings in Hungary. Part II.

76 D. UADOCSAY each side. The crest is a black eagle’s wing. The shield is girded by two wyverns. It was once in the archives of the Mednyánszky family. Bibliography: I. Nagy, A Drágffyak igazi czimere. (The true coat-of-arms of the Drágffy family.) Vasárnapi Újság 1864, p. 150. — Csorna 1892, pp. 161, 164. — J. Ba­logh, Az erdélyi renaissance (The Renaissance in Transyl­vania) I. Kolozsvár 1943, pp. 64, 320. Danes, Apr. 1, 1507, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, the waist of a naked girl emerges from a yellow snail in a green field; she holds a feather in her right, and a flower in her left hand. The crest is a green trefoil. Green-blue-grey mantle, both upper tendrils have a snail, each. The charter is 41 X 57.6 cm, the emblem 13.2 X 10.8 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 86 602/a. Török, Aug. 25, 1507, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, the waist of a reddish­­brown bear emerges from a golden crown; the bear holds a sword in its muzzle; there is a crescent in the right upper corner of the shield. The crest consists of the figure of the shield. Blue-yellow-green mantle. The escutcheon is girded by a grey wyvern. The charter is mould-spotted; the upper part is slightly defective. The charter is 49.5 X 65 cm, the emblem 15.5 X 11.8 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 50 244. Bibliography: G. Csergheő, A «Török» családok. (The families called Török.) Turul X. 1892, p. 30 — Áldásy 1923, pp. 66 — 67. — Hoffmann 1928, p. 57. — IUo//1928, p. 699. — Magyar művelődéstörténet. (Hungarian cul­tural history) II. Ed. by S. Domanovszky. Budapest 1939, fig. on p. 301. — J. Balogh, Az erdélyi renaissance. (The Renaissance in Transylvania) I. Kolozsvár 1943, p. 133. Gersei Petheo, Sept. 22, 1507, Buda. Emblem: king Wladislas is sitting on a golden throne in a claret-coloured cloak in the upper part of the painted square field. His two children, Louis and Anne, are stand­ing beside the throne. In the lower part of the square field there is a quarterly shield with the following figures: in the right upper field, the half figure of a lion; in the left upper field, a duck; in the right lower field, a crescent and two stars; in the left lower field, a wyvern. No crest. Golden-green-blue-red mantle. The charter is torn verti­cally beside the emblem, the picture field is damaged and defective along the rent. The charter is 55.2 X about 76 cm, the emblem 16.5 X 12.5 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 86 051. Bibliography: II. Ulászló és gyermekeinek arczképei. (The portraits of Wladislas II and his children.) Archaeologi­­ai Értesítő V. 1871, pp. 238 — 240. — A. Nyáry, A heral­dika vezérfonala. (A guide to heraldry.) Budapest 1886, pp. 125—131. J. Szendrei, Magyar viseletképek ezimeres leveleinkben. (Pictures of Hungarian costumes in our letters patent. Archaeologiai Értesítő XI. 1891, pp. 394, 398 — 399. — J. Fógel, II. Ulászló ud^ ártartása. (The royal court of Wladislas II.) Budapest 1913, pp. 41, 98. — Áldásy 1923, pp. 68 — 69. — E. Hoffmann, II. Ulászlónak egy ismeretlen arcképe. (An unknown portrait of Wladislas II.) Turul XLI. 1927, pp. 6—7 and fig. — Sz. Sulica, A betű szerepe a magyar címerképeken. (The role of the letter in Hungarian blazons.) Turul XLVI. 1932, p. 52. Nagy and Madaras, Sept. 28, 1507, Buda. Emblem: there is, in a red escutcheon, a dark grey bird in a light grey ground; it holds a fish in the beak and its throat is pierced by an arrow. No crest and mantle. The coat of paint is faded. The charter is 35 X 51.5 cm, the emblem 12.2 X 12.2 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 74 324. Fig. 10. «The Master of theCsicsery letters patent»: the Hegyi emblem, 1508 Fig. 11. The Brixianus emblem, 1509 Acta Hist. Artium Hung. Тот. XII, 1966. H a 1 á c h i, Dec. 4 1507, Buda. Emblem: in a red escutcheon one sees the floating head of a leopard or a lion; the tongue is stuck out; the animal wears
