Acta Historiae Artium 12. (1966)

1966 / 1-2. szám - D. Radocsay: Renaissance Letters Patent Granting Armorial Bearings in Hungary. Part II.

K K NAISSANCE CETTE К S PATENT GRANTING ARMORIAI. HEARINGS 87 Fig. 32. «The Master of the Básthy letters patent»: the Básthy emblem, 1522 Archidioecesan Treasury.) Magyarország műemléki topog­ráfiája I. Esztergom műemlékei I. (Topography of the art relics of Hungary I. The monuments of Esztergom I.) Budapest 1948, p. 312. Kisjeszeni Paulovics, June 1, 1512, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, a man on a green ground in a red dress holds an adze in his right and grips the neck of a stag with his left hand. No crest and mantle. The emblem is 13 X 11 cm. It was once in the possession of Gyula Jeszenszky at Kis­­jeszen (Dőlné Jaseno). Bibliography: Csorna 1906, p. 21. F. Dory, A kisjeszeni Jeszenszky család czimereslevele. (The letters patent granted to the Kisjeszeni Jeszenszky family.) Turul XXYII. 1909, pp. 28—30 and fig. (It publishes the text of the charter.) — Áldásy 1923, pp. 88—89. Hoffmann 1925, p. 50. Aldásy 1926, pp. 75 — 76, plate XXVII. Wolf 1928, pp. 699, 700. Hoffmann 1929, p. 181. Kj. J. L., A borsiczi Borsiczky család címerlevele 1520-ból. (The letters patent granted to the Borsiczi Borsiczky family in 1520.) Turul LI. 1937, p. 45. Kormoss y, Dec. 4, 1521, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon there is a brown eagle on a cliff covered with naturally coloured moss. The bird turns to the right and holds a laurel wreath in its beak. The shield is girded by a laurel wreath from which it is suspend­ed by a blue ribbon. It was once in the possession of István Loson3zy at Miskolc. Bibliography: Csorna 1906, p. 25. — J. Csorna, A magyar heraldika korszakai. (Periods of Hungarian heraldry.) Budapest 1913, p. 90 and fig. — Áldásy 1923, pp. 89 — 90. - Wolf 1928, p. 699. B a r t h a, 1521, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, a black bird stands on a tree-trunk; it holds a white band of legend in its right leg, showing the letters E DE ° H * ; a thin grey rod is in its beak. In both upper corners of the shield there is a golden star, each. The crest consists of ornamental foliage. Green­­blue mantle. The charter is defective, its right half is lacking. The coat of paint is worn; the right edge is blurred. The charter is 40x45 cm, the emblem 15x12 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 23 597. 1522 B á s t h y, Febr. 3, 1522, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, the trunk of an eagle of natural colours rises from a golden crown; its head is crowned, and there is a floating ribbon on its neck. The crest consists of ornamental foliage. Green-blue-golden mantle. The charter is 42.6 x 62.3 cm, the emblem 15.2 x 12.4 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 105 719. Bibliography: Csorna 1892, p. 164. — E. F., A Dessew­­ffyek. (The Dessewffy family.) Turul XXI. 1903, p. 78. — Hoffmann 1925, p. 50. — Wolf 1928, pp. 699, 700. — Hoff­mann 1929, p. 181. K a j á r i B i b y, Febr. 14, 1522, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon there is a horizontal vine­­shoot from which three stalks are issuing with a bunch of grapes on each. On the vine-shoot a pair of kissing birds is represented, one of them with a gilt tail. The crest is the figure of the shield. Blue-green mantle. The charter is damaged with a large gap in its lower central part. The coat of paint is much worn and defective. The charter is 52x41.5 cm, the emblem 16.4x12.3 cm. Pannonhalma, Archives. Bibliography: P. Sörös, Kajári Biby Simon armálisa 1522-ből. (The letters patent granted to Simon Kajári Biby in 1522.) Turul XXV. 1907, pp. 85-87 and fig. Hoffmann 1925, p. 50. — W/olf 1928, pp. 699, 700. — Hoff­mann 1929, p. 181. G e 11 y e i, Oct. 12, 1522, Prague. Emblem: a Centaur shooting an arrow rearwards; in the right upper corner of the escutcheon a star is visible. The crest is a panache. Blue-yellow mantle. The coat of paint is worn. In the text, the name has been altered to Rodycz at two places by a forger. The charter is 40.5 X71.5 cm, the emblem 14.5 X 12 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 50 252. Bibliography: Csorna 1892, p. 158. — A. Áldásy, A Gellyei család címeres levele 1522-ből. (The letters patent granted to the Gellyei family in 1522.) Turul XXI. 1903, pp. 85 — 87 and fig. (It publishes the text of the charter.) — Áldásy 1926, pp. 77-78, plate XXVIII. — Wolf 1928, p. 699. 1523 Devecheri Choron, May 4, 1523, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon there is a stag lying on a green ground; a wolf on the beck of the stag is biting the neck of the deer. The crest is a panache of blue and green ostrich plumes. Blue-green-lilac mantle. The charter is mould-spotted. The charter is 40 x58.5 cm, the emblem 12 x9.3 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 50 253. Bibliography: Bárczay 1897, p. 449. — Kiss 1903, p. 122. - Áldásy 1923, pp. 90 91. Wolf 1928, p. 699. Nagyszántói Ányos, May 25, 1523, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, a hunter, clad in brown, is leaning against a tree and aims his fusil at a deer running toward the left on a green ground. The crest consists of the trunk of the deer. Yellow-blue-golden mantle. In the centre of the charter there is a minor defect. The coat of paint is worn and blurred. The charter is 32 x 68 cm, the emblem 13.8 X 11.8 cm. Győr, State Archives. Bibliography: E. Varjú, Czímertani és sphragistikai emlé­kek az ezredéves országos kiállításon. (Documents of heraldry and sphragistics at the millennary national exhibition.) Turul XIV. 1896, p. 152. — Bárczay 1897, p. 449. — Áldásy 1904, p. 31. — Wolf 1928, p. 699. — A. Acta Hist. Artium Hung. Тот. XII. 1966.
