Acta Historiae Artium 12. (1966)

1966 / 1-2. szám - D. Radocsay: Renaissance Letters Patent Granting Armorial Bearings in Hungary. Part II.

RENAISSANCE LETTERS PATENT GRANTING ARMORIAL BEARINGS 75 Bibliography: P. Ghyczy, Ivánczfalvi Dombay János deák czímerlevele 1506. évből. (The letters patent granted to the «literatus» János Ivánczfalvi Dombay in 1506.) Turul IX. 1891, pp. 131 133 and fig. (It publishes the text of the charter.) — J. Szendrei, Magyar viseletképek czímeres leve­leinkben. (Portrayals of Hungarian costumes in our letters patent.) Archaeologiai Értesítő XI. 1891, pp. 396— 397. — L. Fejérpataky, Magyar czímeres emlékek (Hungarian relics of blazonry) I. Budapest 1901, pp. 22, 85 — 86 and fig. — E. Hoffmann, II. Ulászlónak egy isme­retlen arcképe. (An unknown portrait of Wladislas II.) Turul XLI. 1927, p. 7. — ITo// 1928, p. 699. — Kj. J. L., A Borsiczi Borsiczky család címerlevele 1520-ból. (The letters patent granting to the Borsiczi Borsiczky family in 1520.) Turul LI. 1937, p. 45. 1507 Brassói Schyrmer, Jan. 16, 1507, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, a straight sword in a diagonal position, above and below it, a golden star each. The crest is the upper part of a brown lion emerging from a crown and holding a straight sword in both of its front paws. Black-golden-blue mantle. The shield is girded by a green wyvern. There is a horizontal abrasion the in lower part of the picture field. The charter is 39 X 56.2 cm, the emblem 11.2x10.5 cm. Kolozsvár (Cluj) University Library, MS collection. Bibliography: Csorna 1892, pp. 161, 164 and fig. — Aldásy 1904, pp. 23 — 24. — T. Gyárfás, Egyéh brassai czímeres­­levelek. (Other letters patent from Brassó.) Turul XXIX. 1911, pp. 105 106. (It publishes the text of the charter.) Z. Miklósy, Polgári címeres levelek Magyarországon. (Letters patent granting to burgesses in Hungary.) Turul XLI. 1927, p. 89. — J. Balogh, Az erdélyi renaissance (The Renaissance in Transylvania) I. Kolozsvár 1943, pp. 64, 133, 134, 320, fig. 227. Y a y and Ibrányi, Febr. 3, 1507, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon there is a stag of natural colours with golden antlers, on a green ground; an arrow with a golden feather has pierced its head. On both sides of the head a star and a crescent are painted. The shield is crossed by a diagonal band, containing a rose and a lily. The crest consists of a pair of black wings. Red-green­­blue mantle. It was once in the archives of the Vay family at Berkesz. Bibliography: G. Cserghed, A Yay és Ibrányi családok czímerének bővítése 1507-ben. (The amplification of the coats-of-arms of the Yay and Ibrányi families in 1507.) Turul Y. 1887, pp. 78 -81 and fig. (He publishes the text of the charter.) — P. Ghyczy, Ivánczfalvy Dombay János deák czímerlevele 1506. évből. (The letters patent granting to the «literatus» János Ivánczfalvy Dombay from 1506.) Turul IX. 1891, p. 132. — E. Varjú, Czímertani és sphra­­gistikai emlékek az ezredéves országos kiállításon. (Docu­ments of heraldry and sphragistics at the millenary national exhibition.) Turul XIV. 1896, p. 151. D r á g f f y, March 28, 1507, Buda. Emblem: there is in a blue escutcheon, a vertical metal arrow, below it a golden crescent and a golden star on Fig. 8. «The Master of the Csicsery letters patent»: the Schyrmer emblem, 1507 Fig. 9. «The Master of the Csicsery letters patent»: the Török emblem, 1507 B a a s i, Oct. 28, 1506, Buda. Emblem: in a blue escutcheon, the upper part of a brown goat arises from a golden crown; the throat of the animal is pierced by an arrow. A golden star is in the upper left corner of the shield. The crest consists of the figure of the shield. Silver-blue-golden mantle. There are smaller defects in the charter, the lower part of the picture field is damag­ed, the coat of paint on the mantle is faded. The charter is 40.4 X59.8 cm, the emblem 13.2 X12.2 cm. Budapest, Hungarian National Archives Dl. 50 243. Bibliography: Újabb czímeres levelek a M. N. Múzeum levéltárában. (New letters patent in the Archives of the Hungarian National Museum.) Turul XXYI. 1908, p. 188. — Aldásy 1923, pp. 65—66. — E. Hoffmann, II. Ulászló­nak egy ismeretlen arcképe. (An unknown portrait of Wladislas II.) Turul XLI. 1927, p. 7. — Sz. Vajay, En marge d’une exposition. Archívum Heraldicum 1964, p. 59. Acta Hist. Artium Hung. Tom. XII, 1966.
