Acta Microbiologica 33. (1986)

1. szám

ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA HUNGARICA INDEX TO VOLUME 33 NUMBERS 1-4 NUMBER 1 Metal-ion Assisted Detergent Action on Bacterial Growth: Detergent Specificity and Mechanism of Inhibition Raghavan, P. S., Subramani, X., Suryanarayanan, T. S., Srinivasan, F. S................. 3 Comparison of Listeria Serotypes and Phage Types Isolated from Sheep, other Animals and Humans Ralovich, B., Audurier, A., Hajtás, L, Berkessy, E., Piron-Szemerédi, M................. 9 Alteration of Phage- and Biotypes of Listeria Strains Ralovich, B., Kivan, E. P., Emody, L.............................................................................................. 19 Effect of Phloridzin on Lipid Biosynthesis by Cladosporium tenuissimum Cooke Ghareib, AT................................................................................................................................................... 27 Interaction of Immunosuppressive Agents and Human Adenovirus Infection in Mice Dam Viet Cuong, Kulcsár, G., Vámos, В., Dán, Р., Nász, 1.................................................... 33 Studies on Enterotoxin of Shigella dysenteriae Type 1. II. Systemic Effects in Rabbits of Shigella dysenteriae 1 Enterotoxin Asnani, P.,/., Kaur, S............................................................................................................................ 39 Immunofluorescence Characterization of Legionella : Narrow Specificity of Polyclonal Im­munsera to Various Scrogroups and Species Lebrun, L., Tram, C., IУAzambuja, S., Pillot, J............................................................................ 43 Serological Studies in Chlamydia trachomatis Associated Pneumonia of Infants Marton, A., Szirmai, Zs. Szever, Zs., László, V. ...................................................................... 51 Immunological Study of Glycolipoprotein Isolated From Extracellular Slime of Different Pseudomonas aeruginosa Serogroups Stanislavsky, E. S., Holodkova, E. V., Yashkova, N. A., Yourkova, 1. B., Zhva­netskaya, M. 1........................................................................................................................................... 55 Virulence Factors of Escherichia coli. III. Correlation with Escherichia coli Pathogenicity of Haemolysin Production, Haemagglutinating Capacity, Antigens KI, К5, and Colicinogenicity Czirók, l£., Milch, IL, Csiszár, X., Csik, M.................................................................................... 69 Ferrie Ammonium Citrate Decomposition a Taxonomie Tool for Gram-Negative Bac­teria Szentmihályi, A., Lányi, В.................................................................................................................. 85 NUMBER 2 Effect of Metal Ions on the Antimicrobial Activity of 5-Sulphosalicylic Acid Khadikar, P. V., Ali, S. M., Pol, В., Heda, В. I)..................................................................... 97 Cytotoxicity of Lymphocytes and Antibodies against Autologous Tumor Cells in Patients with Myeloid Leukaemias and Prcleukaemic Disorders. III. Stage-Dependence of Oncovirus-Specific Immune Response Szabó, В., Tóth, F. D., Váczi, L., Kiss, J., Réthy, A., Kiss, A., Rák, K............................ 103
