Acta Microbiologica 34. (1987)

3–4. szám - Ternai, A.–Kulcsár, G.–Dán, P.–Pataki, I.–Veszelovszky, I.–Nász, I.: Cervical and Vaginal Microflora of Women Under Screening

CERVICAL AND VAGINAL MICROFLORA 217 Discussion Literary data and our observations suggest that certain disorders of the female genitals, as well as the alkaline shift of vaginal pH, show some relation­ship to the vaginal microflora. Vaginal pH may he influenced by microbes, hormonal changes, contraceptives, pregnancy, menopause, etc. Alkaline pH favours the colonization of opportunistic pathogens. The consequent signs of disease may include benign lesions of the os uteri, cervicitis, vaginal discharge, cellular atypia, etc. Pathological processes of the female genitals have been increasing recently in both incidence and importance. Mainly inflammatory phenomena and vaginal discharge are caused by microbial pathogens [17—19]; viruses may play a role in malignant changes among others [20-23]. HSV prefers alkaline pH for replication, it soon loses its infectivity in acid medium. Interestingly, the same has been observed in cervical cells in which HSV was persisting [6]. It also deserves attention that we could not detect HSV antigen hut in alkaline samples. In contrast, adenovirus antigen was only detectable in acid samples, with relatively high frequency, hut not exclusively, in samples from pregnant women. Microbes, E. coli among others, may contribute to the alkaline shift of the vagina, and opportunistic pathogens may play a role in the aetiology of, e.g., infections and purulent inflammations, or may persist without causing any symptom [23, 24]. women, women, n= 150 n = 50 Fig. 1. Incidence of viral antigens in acid and alkaline vaginal secretions of non-pregnant and pregnant women
