Acta Orientalia 32. (1978)

3. szám - Critica - L. H. D. Gordon-F. J. Shulman: Doctoral Dissertations on China (A. Hernádi–K. Mészáros) - F. J. Shulman: Doctoral Dissertations on Japan and Korea 1969–1974 (A. Hernádi–K. Mészáros)

A. Röna-Tas, Julius Németh. Life and Work......................................................................... 201 Gy. KAldy-Nagy, Rural and Urban Life in the Age of Sultan Suleiman.................... 286 Zs. Kakuk, Türkisches aus Hans Demschwams Tagebuch II.............................................. 321 L. Bese, Some Turkic Personal Names in the Secret History of the Mongols............ 353 L. V. Clabk, On a Chuvash Development of *-d-.................................................................. 371 Critica : St. Kaluzynski, Die Sprache des mandschurischen Stammes Sibe aus der Gegend von Kuldscha (L. Bese) — J. Krueger, The Kalmyk-Mongolian Vocabulary in Strahlenberg’s Geography of 1730 (L. Bese) — N. C. Munkuev, Men-Da bej-lu («Polnoe opisanie mongolo-tatar») (L. Bese) — Onomastika Burjatii (L. Bese) — В. I. Tatarincev, Mongol’skoe jazykovoe vlijanie na tuvinskuju lek­­siku (L. Bese) — L. H. D. Gordon—F. J. Shulman, Doctoral Dissertations on China; F. J. Shidman, Doctoral Dissertations on Japan and Korea, 1969—1974 (A. Hernâdi—K. Mészàros) ....................................................................... 377
