Acta Orientalia 47. (1994)

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INDEX ln Memoriam Tibor Halasi-Kun. Jan. 19, 1914-Oct. 19, 1991 EDMOND Schütz....................... 5 Gäbor Ägoston, Ottoman Artillery and European Military Technology in the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries...................................................................................................... 15 ÄrpäD Berta, Die Verteilung der militärischen Termini in den Runeninschriften ................... 49 GÉza David, The Sancaq of Veszprém....................................................................................... 57 Pal Fodor, Sultan, Imperial Council, Grand Vizier: Changes in the Ottoman Ruling Elite and the Formation of the Grand Vizieral Telhiy .................................................................... 67 György Györffy, Dual Kingship and the Seven Chieftains of the Hungarians in the Era of the Conquest and the Raids.............................................................................................. 87 Maria Ivanics, Entstehung und Quellenwert der krimtatarischen tiyi§ defters ......................... 105 Henryk Jankowski, The Idea of Individualization and Generalization in Turkic Languages ... 113 Henryk Jankowski, Notes on Bekir Çobanzade’s Life and Activity in Hungary (with the Publication of a New Document) .................................................................................... 129 Zsuzsa Kakuk, Krimtatarische Rätsel (Esztergom 1915) .......................................................... 143 Andräs Röna-Tas, An Old Turkic Name of Kiev ..................................................................... 175 Ferenc Szakäly, A Hungarian Spahi in the 16th Century: The Mysterious "Andreya Littera­tus” of Esztergom............................................................................................................. 181 In memoriam Dr Zsigmond Telegdi ( 1909-1994) Éva Jerhmiâs ..................................................................... 197 Critica Louis Bazin, Les systèmes chronologiques dans le monde turc ancien. (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, vol XXIV.) (G. Kara).................................................................................. 201 The Cambridge History of Central Asia. Ed.: Denis Sinor. (B. PÉRI) ......................................... 207 Ando, Shiro, Timuridische Emire nach dem Mu'izz al-ansäb. Untersuchungen zur Stammes­aristokratie Zentralasiens im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. (B. Péri) .................................... 208 Gisaburo Nforikawa] Kiyose, Japanese Linguistics and Altaic Linguistics. (R. A. Miller) ..... 209 M. Reza Hamzeh’ee, The Yaresan A Sociological, Historical and Religio-Historical Study of a Kurdish Community. (F. Szatmäri)............................................................................... 218 lwona Kabzinska-Stawarz, Games of Mongolian Shepherds. (A. SÄRKÖZI)............................... 220 Marie-Dominique Even, Chants de chamanes mongols. Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, Cahier !9-20 (1988-1989). (A. Sârkozi)...................................................................... 220
