Acta Orientalia 50. (1997)

1-3. szám

ACTA ORIENTALIA A JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES FOUNDED BY L. LIGETI ADVISORY BOARD GY. HAZAI, ZS. KAKUK, GY. KARA, M. MAROTH, F. TÖKEI Acta Orientalia publishes papers on oriental philology and culture in English, German, French and Russian. Acta Orientalia is published in yearly volumes of three issues by AKADÉMIAI KIADÖ H-l 117 Budapest, Prielle Kornélia и. 19-35 Manuscripts should be addressed to Acta Orientalia House of Professors, Room 303 H-l 146 Budapest, Ajtosi Durer sor 19-21 Correspondence with the editors should be sent to the same address. Subscription information Orders should be addressed to AKADÉMIAI KIADÖ H-1519 Budapest, P.O. Box 245 Acta Orientalia is abstracted in Sociological Abstracts. Subscription price for Volume 50 (1997) in 3 issues US$ 114.00, including normal postage, airmail delivery US$ 20.00. © Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest 1997 PRINTED IN HUNGARY Akadémiai Nyomda, Martonvâsâr
