Acta Physiologica 85. (1997-1998)

1. szám

CONTENTS The effects of patterned breathing and continuous positive airway pressure on cardiovascular regulation in healthy volunteers T. Török, L. Rudas, A. Kardos, Dóra Paprika............................................................................ 1 Effects of neonatal triiodothyronine (T3) treatment (hormonal imprinting) on the sexual behavior of adult rats Cs. Karabélyos, G. Csaba .......................................................................................................... 11 Glomerular prostanoid production is modified by plasma samples of hypertensive and diabetic patients B. Székács, Z. Vajó, I. Juhász, L. Vaslaki, V. Nagy .................................................................... 17 Oxidative stress in experimental diabetes induced by streptozotocin B. Matkovics, Márta Kotormán, Ilona Sz. Varga, Do Quy Hai, Cs. Varga................................ 29 Prostaglandin E receptors in myométrial cells G. Asbóth, Sylvain Phaneuf A. L. Bernal .................................................................................. 39 The effect of adrenoreceptor antagonist and agonist on LHRH release from the stalk-median eminence in the pig G. Wasowicz, F. Elsaesser, A. J. Ziecik....................................................................................... 51 Basa and stress induced concentrations of adrenal gland cathecholamines and plasma ACTH during aging Olivera K. Ivanisevic-Milovanovic, M. Demajo, Helena Loncar-Stevanovic, A. Karakasevic, V. Pantic........................................................................................................... 65 Effects of Lormetazepam on glycemia and serum lipids in hyperlipidémie rats J. Horák, Aliz Horák, Anca Lenghel, B. Cuparencu................................................................... 77 The effect of the intraperinoneal administration of midazolam on blood glucose level and serum lipids in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats B. Cuparencu, J. Horák, P. Orbai, Aliz Horák, Anca Lenghel................................................... 83 AGYAR • «■* . íUDQMANYOSAKADÖP könyvtara
