Acta Zoologica 37. (1991)

1991 / 1-2. szám - ARGAMAN, QABIR: A synopsis of Perilampus Latreille with descriptions of new genera and species (Hymenoptera, Perilampidae), II.

2 Q. A R GA MAN the shape of mesosternal pad, development of scrobal ridge, sculpture of vertex and peculiarities of outer adorbital sulcus, the species included here are strongly unified by the presence of three basic features, namely: the anteriorly open prepectal triangle, the median longitudinal furrow of the vertex, and the complete plical carina of propodeum. Alike to the genera Bukbakas, Dekterek, Ecalibur, Lufarfar and Naspoyar, the genus Pondoros contains young perilam­­pids in stage of plentiful evolutionary processes, practically represented in all main zoogeographic regions, and whose species were less well understood till now as desidered. Pondoros kittenbergeri sp. n. Ç. Lenth 2.0 mm. — Head and thorax brillant deep-black, with some slight metallic lustre on thoracic dorsum, abdomen dark castaneous. Funicle, clava, apical half of mandibles, femora, tibiae and fore tarsi yellowish-piceous; with weak bluish shine of femora and tibiae. Mid- and hind tarsi white. Venation of forewing w hitish-yellow. Sides of abdomen with indefinite violaceous lustre. Pubescence of body, appendages and wings snow-white. Head transverse, in dorsal view7 about 2.5 X as wide as long; front flat, not protuberant between inner orbits, and at mid-height of eye situated on same plane with eye. Vertex nowhere plane, the scrobal ridge strongly humped between median and lateral ocellus; median longitudinal furrow deep, cross-septate, contiguous between median ocellus and foramen magnum. Occipital declivity cross-sulcate. Facial aspect of head, genae and temples polished and shining, abondant pilose. Lateral ocelli separated by a distance as long as 2.1 X ocello-ocular line; median ocellus se­parated from foremost crest of occipital declivity by a distance as long as 1.2 X its own major diameter. Apical margin of clypeus semicircularly protruding, convex. Funicle strongly cla­­vate first segment conical, a bit longer than thick, second quadrate, 3—7 transverse; clava collapsed, apparently with no sensorial groove. — Pronotal disc with two transverse rows of punctures, separated by a very sharp crest; lateral pronotal panel with two rows of large punctures opposite to prepectal triangle. Mesoscutum and scutellum everywhere with uniform-sized, shallowly lenticular, brillantly umbilicate punctures; interpunctal spaces throughout about one third as wide as the punctures, and provided with small, individually convex papillae, of green-bluish lustre. Sides of scutellum diverging, its marginal rim entire, not emarginate apically. Lateral discal areas of propodeum polished and shining; propodeal spiracle margined outwardly by large punctures, contiguous in a row along plical carina up to supracoxal flange. Declivity of mesosternum separated from mesepimeron by one row7 of large punctures; tibial groove obliquely costulate on its anterior half, smooth on its posterior half. Marginális, postmarginalis and stigmalis of forewing in a ratio of about 2.4 : 1.6 : 1.0; radial knob without uncus; marginal fringe complete. Posterior upper edge of hind tibia not metallic. Second and third tergite of abdomen polished and shining, second glabrous, third short pilose on sides. $ and biology unknown. Material examined: 1$ holotype, labelled “Uganda, Katona” (= Dr. K. Kit­­tenberger), and “Mujenje, 1913. VIII”, deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest; Hym. Typ. No. 6954. Etymology — Dedicated to its collector — see also remarks under Lufarfar nimrodus, described below. Pondoros moczari sp. n. (Figs 148, 150) $. Length 2.2 mm. Entirely black; pronotal disc, mesoscutum and scutellum with both interpunctal spaces and bottom of large punctures deep gray-brassy. Scape light golden to green-brassy basally. Femora and tibiae with weak green bluish lustre, otherwise dark brown. Funcle and clava yellowish-testaceous, dorsally infuscated. Tarsi white basally and gradually darkened apically. Forewing with light brown veins and setulae on apical half, with snow-white setulae on basal half. Mandibles dark castaneous, their apical half piceous. Pubescence of body and appendages snow-white. Head thickset, with scrobal ridge bulging and projecting well Acta Zool. Hung. 37, 1991
