Acta Zoologica 42. (1996)

1996 / 1. szám

EDITORIAL Change of editors The past two years have been spent by revitalizing our journal, Acta Zoologien Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. The responsibility of publishing the journal on behalf of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was taken over by the Hungarian Natural History Museum from the publishing house of the acade­my, Akadémiai Kiadó. The editorial board was considerably expanded by an in­ternational panel of editorial advisors, whose advice and work as a referee are much appreciated. A number of changes in editorial policy, content and format have taken place over the past these two years. The international character of the journal has always been our main concern. In Volume 40 and 41 one-third of the authorship comes from outside Hungary, which does not seem bad for the first phase of the way to becoming a truly international journal. The former Editor-in-Chief, László Papp, resigned from his appointment in December, 1995, because the burden of a massive international project (editorial work on the Manual of Palaearctic Diptera) and other commitments made it diffi­cult for him to maintain the level of editorial activity on the journal indispensable for the quality required. The Biology Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences accepted his resignation and delegated me the task of the Editor-in- Chief. The Hungarian members of the editorial board suggested that one more editor would help to spread the workload, and they nominated Dr András Demeter as assistant editor. The Biology Section approved this appointment as well. I reassure the subscribers and readers of Acta zoologica hungarica that the aims and the scope of the journal have not changed because of the change in edi­torship. However, I have to confess that we are struggling with a major problem. In order to maintain a quality of papers, we must rely on reviewers’ opinion. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae publishes papers in the fields of animal taxonomy and systematics, zoogeography, animal ecology, community ecology, population genetics, population biology, biodiversity studies and nature conservation problems. In the past two years have been able to provide a fairly rapid publication forum for the accepted papers. The journal is indexed in Cur­rent Contents. We would welcome your comments, including your criticism, on the scien­tific quality of the papers, the format and appearance of the journal etc. Dr. István Matskási Editor-in-Chief
