Acta Zoologica 47. (2001)

2001 / 1. szám

ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANIMAL TAXONOMY AND ECOLOGY Acta Zoologien Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarterly from February 1994 (other issues in May, August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the financial support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For detailed information (contents, journal status, instructions for authors, sub­scription, and from Volume 40 onward title, author, authors’ addresses, abstract, keywords and a searchable taxon index) please visit our website at Editor-in-Chief I. Matskási Assistant Editor L. Peregővits Editorial Advisers G. Bächli (Zürich, Switzerland) G. Bakonyi (Gödöllő, Hungary) T. Bongers (Wageningen, The Netherlands) A. Demeter (Budapest, Hungary) L. Gallé (Szeged, Hungary) R. L. Hoffmann (Radford, USA) L. Jedlicka (Bratislava, Slovak Republic) A. Lomniczki (Krakow, Poland) M. Luxton (Barry, U.K.) V. Mahnert (Genèva, Switzerland) S. Mahunka (Budapest, Hungary) J. Majer (Pécs, Hungary) W. N. Mathis (Washington, USA) F. Mészáros (Budapest, Hungary) K. Mikkola (Helsinki, Finland) C. Moskát (Budapest, Hungary) C. Naumann (Bonn, Germany) R. Norton (Syracuse, USA) L. Papp (Budapest, Hungary) D. Reavey (Chichester, Great Britain) R. Rozkosny (Brno, Czech Republic) O. A. Sæther (Bergen, Norway) К. Thaler (Innsbruck, Austria) Z. Varga (Debrecen, Hungary) M. Warburg (Haifa, Israel) J. A. Wiens (Fort Collins, USA)
