CL & CL - Computational Linguistics and Computer Languages 9. (1973)

Foreword to the Volume

FOREWORD TO THE VOLUME The present issue of Computational Linguistics is some­what different from the previous ones in that it also hears the subtitle Kalmar-Featschrift. Within the field of computa­tional linguistics as it has now developed, no explanation is required for the choice of this title. It is Professor Laszlo Kalmar of Szeged to whom this volume is presented by his friends, collaborators, former students and admirers. Usually a Festschrift marks the occasion of a special anniversary of the person honored, but we do not offer this volume under the pretext of an anniversary of remainder 0 modulo 5 years of life or activity - although many such num­bers could be' found. Rather we conceive this Festschrift as the opportunity of working in a spatio-temporal continuity with Professor Kalmar and offer it with the hope that he may accept it in the same spirit as we present it to him. For those who have been deprived of the privilege of knowing Professor Kalmar, either because of geographical dis­tance from Hungary or distance in time from the year 1972, we enumerate here only some of the events connected with his life's activity which can be considered as milestones of
