The Hungarian Quarterly 5. (1939)

Reform and Reorganization in Hungary 391 Reminiscences of Hungary 10 Romanesque art, New aspects of Hun< garian — 277 Rumanian past, Two minds in the — 4)8 Sacrifice, The — 145 Seaman's view of the near east : past and present, A — 212 Shakespeare in Hungary, The cult of — 285 Short stories : Easter Brandy 548 The Open Book 344 The Sacrifice 143 The Ostrich 732 The Sack of Canossa 742 St. Elizabeth's cathedral in Kassa 318 State and Statesmanship, The — 26 Study of History, A — 603 Sub(Carpathia, The economic signifies ance of — 339 Széchenyi's Mediterranean Journey 673 Teleki, Count Paul — 204 Transylvania, England and —- 243 Transylvania, Hungarian culture in — 707 Transylvania, The peoples of — 229 Verse translations 718 Visit to Hungary, Impressions of a — 379 Wild boar shooting in Hungary 482 Wesselényi in England 667 Witches’ Sabbath, The — 639
