Pszichológia 20. (2000)

2000 / 4. szám - TANULMÁNYOK - LÁSZLÓ JÁNOS - EHMANN BEA - PÉLEY BERNADETTE - PÓLYA TIBOR: A narratív pszichológiai tartalomelemzés: elméleti alapvetés és első eredmények

390 2. Narrative structures and functions can be distinguished at both the intrapsychic and the intersubjective levels. 3. The features of narratives can be described by explicite and exact formulations. This paper particularly focuses on characters, character functions, perspective, time, evaluation and coherence as subjects to detailed analysis. Nevertheless it is possible that, as further specific psychological questions may emerge in further research, some further narrative features will become relevant for investigation, such as narrative complexity, as analyzed by McAdams in respect of the autobiographical story as a whole. 4. The analysis of narrative features and functions will allow for consequences as to self representations, identity statuses and social representations. Narrative psychological content analysis is the method of this form of investigation. 5. Narrative psychological content analysis can not only be performed along particular narrative features, interrelationship and the pattern of the features will require further analysis of how they appear in the complete representation process. Finally, the NPCA method theoretically allows for partly or fully automatized computer aided analysis of large bulks of textual databases, which is not only an important technical advantage, but may significantly enhance the meeting of validity and reliability criteria of qualitative investigations as well. Keywords: Narrative Psychological Content Analysis, NPCA, narrative time, narrative perspective, narrative functions, Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analyzing Softwware, CAQDAS
