Studia Scientiarium Mathematicarum Hungarica 13. (1978)

1-2. szám

STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA Tomus XIII INDEX Ádám, A.: On the question of description of the behaviour of finite automata ........................... 105 Adamski, W.: Weakly regular and т-smooth zero-one measures....................................................... 253 Adler, G.: Reduction of the numerical diffusion in multi-phase flow .............................................. 213 Alpár, L.: Sur certains changements de variable des séries de Faber .............................................. 173 Andréka, H. and Németi, /.: Neat reducts of varieties ...................................................................... 47 Andréka, H. and Németi, I.: Los lemma holds in every category ................................................... 361 Arnaoudov, У. N. and Topentcharov, V. V.: Sur la représentation binaire des catégories polyadi­ques ...................................................................................................................................................... 245 Assem, I. A. and Chehata, C. G.: Functorial properties of the mixed limit functors ................... 327 Babai, L.: Some problems on lattice automorphisms .......................................................................... 139 Bajasgalan, С.: О фундаментальной приводимости положительных операторов в прост­ранствах с индефинитной метрикой............................................................................................ 143 Beck, J.: Note to the law of the iterated logarithm.............................................................................. 353 Bihari, /.; Perturbation of linear differential equations by a half-linear term depending on a small parameter .................................................................................................................................. 291 Bognár, J.: Non-degenerate inner product spaces spanned by two neutral subspaces................. 463 Bosbach, B.: Residuation groupoids and lattices .................................................................................... 433 Chehata, C. G. and Assem, /. A.: Functorial properties of the mixed limit functors.................... 327 Crumeyrolle, A.: Indice d’inertie trilatère et classes de Chem ........................................................... 259 Csóka, G.: Об одном экстремальном свойстве реперов, приведенных по Минковскому 469 Deák, J.: On the Cesàro summability of power series on the circle of convergence .................. 201 Deák, J.: On the generalizations of total paracompactness .............................................................. 393 Elbert, A.: On Wilkins’ inequality ........................................................................................................... 385 Elekes, G., Erdős, P. and Hajnal, A.: On some partition properties of families of sets............. 151 Erdős, P., Elekes, G. and Hajnal, A.: On some partition properties of families of sets............... 151 Fejes Tóth, G.: Evading convex discs....................................................................................................... 453 Fleischer, IV.: Eine Ungleichung für konvexe Funktionen................................................................. 207 Florian, A.: On the permeability of layers of discs .............................................................................. 125 Fried, E.: Interpolation in weakly associative lattices.......................................................................... 193 Gerlits, J.: On a generalization of dyadicity .......................................................................................... 1 Győri, E. and Túrán, Gy.: Stack of pancakes ........................................................................................ 133 Hajnal, A., Elekes, G. and Erdős, P.: On some partition properties of families of sets................. 151 Linhart, J.: Closest packings and closest coverings by translates of a convex disc......................... 157 Makai, E.: On a transformation of Gronwall concerning the three-body problem of quantum mechanics ............................................................................................................................................ 187 Makai Jr, E.: On the thinnest non-separable lattice of convex bodies............................................ 19 Mallion, R. B. and Rouvray, D. H.: On a new index for characterising the vertices of certain non-bipartite graphs........................................................................................................................... 229 Márki, L. and Mlitz, R.: Free monoids and strict radicals ............................................................... 225 Mlitz, R. and Márki, L.: Free monoids and strict radicals ...........................................................:. 225 Nagy, B.: Operators with the spectral decomposition property are decomposable ...................... 429 Németi, I. and Andréka, H.: Neat reducts of varieties ........................................................................ 47 Németi, I. and Andréka, H.: Los lemma holds in every category ..................................................... 361 Nguyen Tuong: О некоторых оценках для разностных операторов, аппроксимирующих дифференциальные операторы эллиптического типа в и-мерном пространстве......... 343 Pach, J.: On an isoperimetric problem ..................................................................................................... 43 Pintz, J. .-On the remainder term of the prime number formula IV. Sign changes of я(л:)—li(x) ... 29
