Magyar egyháztörténeti vázlatok 9. (Magyar Egyháztörténeti Enciklopédia Munkaközösség, Budapest, 1997)

1997 / 3-4. szám - Tanulmányok - ADRIÁNYI Gábor: Egy „elfelejtett” kalocsai főpásztor: Klobusiczky Péter (1752–1843)

mindnyájan úgy éljünk, amint akarunk valaha meghalni, — úgy szent lesz életünk, bol­dog lesz halálunk”.32 GÁBOR ADRIÁNYI A "FORGOTTEN” PRELATE OF KALOCSA, PÉTER KLOBUSICZKY (1752-1843) Péter Klobusiczky, bishop of Szatmár was consecrated archbishop of Kalocsa in 1821. He had first gauged the situation of his diocese, than proceeded to do his pontifical work. He imparted a new impulse to the divine services celebrated at the cathedral by attending them regularly, in person. He spent a substantial amount of money on liturgical vestments and devotional objects. The Seminar of Kalocsa was the apple of his eye, it was given high priority and nothing escaped the prelate’s attention in this context. During the twenty years of his government he spent more than 80.000 Fts on the Seminar, and he also provided for the educa­tion of seminarists in Eger, Pest and Vienna. He was much interested in the activity of the Piarist school (the Piarists were settled in Kalocsa by archbishop József Batthyány in 1765), because most of the seminarists came from Piarist schools. He published his instructions for the canonical visitation of the parishes in 1836. He also provided for the restoration of a number of churches and raised some filiae to the rank of parishes. His munificence was proverbial and his charities were widely known all over the country. The poor and the needy could always appeal to him for help. After the death of the cardinal primate, S. Rudnay in 1831, the see of Esztergom was left vacant till 1838. Péter Klobusiczky as senior archbishop had to assume the task of participating in the public life of Hungary at a time, that of the 1832/36 Reform Diet, when the country was stirred by the idea of progress. 32 Uo. 309. 27
