Magyar Szemle, 2010 (19. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2010 / 1-2. szám - KÖRKÉP - Török Bálint: Képviselte-e Nagy Ferenc a magyar érdekeket?

SUMMARIES Magyar Szemle (Hungarian Review), Vol. XIX., Nos. 01-02., February 2010, Budapest. Editor-in Chief: Gyula Kodolányi Publisher: György Granasztói Published by Magyar Szemle Foundation. For Temperateness. Editor's Note by Péter Ákos Bod on the lessons, so far unobserved, of the financial crisis. Architecture, Settlements, Regional Policy. A Symposium by the Batthyány Circle of Architects. Part I. Architects, urban planners and politicians debate the chances and requirements for a renewal of the Hungarian countryside. Gyula Kodolányi, poet, Editor-in-Chief of Magyar Szemle. Taste, Appearance, Spirit. A brief introductory essay on the loss of taste and loss of the vernacular tradition in Hungarian rural and town architecture between 1948 and 1990, as a consequence of hostile Communist activism. A partial recovery has been witnessed, however, in the last twenty years. Ferenc Cságoly, architect, Department Head at the Faculty of Architecture, Budapest Polytechnics. The State of Our Environment and the Architecture of Solidarity. A new architecture can be only built on solidarity with the environment, cosmic, natural and human. Béla Varga-Ötvös, rural planner and economist, Budapest. Crisis of the Cities - A Future for the Countryside. Administrative and economic decentralization is required for a modem revival of the village, as well as the encouragement of self-reliance and the use of informatics and alternative energy. József Ángyán, Professor, Szent István University, Gödöllő. Possibilities for Regionalism. Present policies in Hungary regard the village as untenable economic unit, thereby diverting EU development funds to the benefit of large-scale mechanized agriculture. However, with a return to EU standards and a
