Magyarország, 1965. január-június (2. évfolyam, 1-26. szám)

1965-02-14 / 7. szám

TORDAI TERI AZ „UTAK”-BAN A filmet eddig 9 ország vásárolta meg A TV ES A VILÁG FUTÓHOMOK mm A 16-17. oldalon A 20. oldalon A CSIBE LYUKSZALAGON A 23. oldalon FŰTÉSI GONDOK A 24. oldalon At Da Nang, U. S. Marine pilot» and crew chiefs are briefed before miision. This city could be the cockpit if a showdown comes in Southeast ’ Asia. Sol W. Sanders of "U. S. News & World Report" tells, in_ U. S. NEWS: ŰJ FRONT-NYITÁS VIETNAMBAN A vietnami partok közelébe vezényelték a rosszhírű 7. flottát A 3. oldalon Red PT-boat bases shown on map were bombed after attacks on U. S. warships. THAI LAND South Chino OPENING A NEW FRONT IN VIETNAM MAGYARORSZÁG THE DEADLY AND PERPLEXING WAR The public . . . demands certainties; it must be told definitely and a bit rau­cously that this is true and that is false. But there are no certainties. —H.L. Mencken Or at least not when it comes to South Vietnam. The problems which the U.S. far#»«' ' **“ ■'•'»«•Hir effnrt a democratic government has to bear. There is some merit to the official argu­ment that in following so closely each twist and turn of the fighting in Vietnam, the press has occasionally blown rela­tively minor setbacks up into major de­feats in the mind of the U.S. rmblic And th-^re is no question isolationist. Thoughtful and responsible men who have long accepted the global responsibilities of the U.S.. are now openly talking of a negotiated settlement and some of them are at pains to make it clear they are talking only of Vietnam. NEWSWEEK: A HALÁLOS ÉS KUSZA HÁBORÚ A washingtoni akció téves feltételezéseket párosít veszélyes következményekkel THE Ü.S. COMMITMENT wurm $100 MILLIONS PER YEAR SOUTH VIETNAM [RSONNEL 964 1961 1962 1963 jf&sq&t «wttwj K'&SwSSiíwJ. 32 73 140 NUMBER OF DEATHS PER YEAR» i
