Műemlékvédelem, 2018 (62. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2018 / 5. szám - Gunther Zsolt: Inspiráló béklyó: Új tér történeti épületekben

INSPIRÁLÓ BÉKLYÓ - ÚJ TÉR TÖRTÉNETI ÉPÜLETEKBEN Gunther Zsolt Okleveles építészmérnök (1990), vezető tervező (1996), Ybl-díj (2005), DLA(2009). A 3h építésziroda (alapítva 1994-ben) egyik alapítója és vezető tervezője. A nemzetközi Aktív Ház Szövetség (Active House Alliance) alapító tagja. INSPIRATIONAL SHACKLE. NEW SPACE IN HISTORICAL BUILDINGS In my opinion, the preservation of monuments in Hungary will soon face a paradigm shift, in fact, it has already partially gone through this. The exclusive nature of the interventions represented by the official Chartas does not result in unified renovations, but in building parts that can be interpreted only fragmen­tary, the enclosure of which is only a climatic shell instead of a grandiose construction. There is no doubt about the didactic nature of the result. However, the “artefact” value and enjoyability of the build­ing is highly questionable. Each branch of arts has its own characteristic tool: it is the sound for music, the three-dimensional extension for sculpture, and the space for architecture. All the important state­ments in architecture are primarily related to space. That is why heritage protection cannot avoid think­ing about the historical space and its relation to its contemporary equivalent. The importance and rich­ness of spatiality has been gradually recognized in case of monuments as well. The buildings and plans presented now are exceeding the intervention types of monument protection in the classical sense (con­servation - restoration - reconstruction), however, this does not mean the complete rejection of these tools. The issue of contemporary additions is to be faced more and more frequently, and a lack of un­derstanding is often experienced on behalf the monument protection approach in the traditional sense. Transforming heritage protection - beyond debate - is gaining momentum and impulses from today’s architecture. This approach attempts to display the values of the past in the framework of the present architectural language and to combine them into one unit. By past-values, I mean the classic terminol­ogy of Alois Riegl (age-value, historical value and memory-value). And the present values cover the use-value and the art-value of the created building ensemble, also according to Riegl. By combining the two value groups along a task-specific attitude, critical restoration can provide an intermediate, archi­tecturally satisfactory solution. Dealing with the old and the new as one unit is a very pragmatic and not a theoretical approach. In our work, we strive to extend the story that our ancestors started — at some places in an almost unnoticed way. It is a kind of architectural narrative that looks for a connection be­tween historical and contemporary. Of course, there is a risk of setting the trap for the viewer: based on what can currently be seen, he/she can could believe that space - by its unity - has always been like that. However, by observing the space more carefully, the unity begins to break down. Intelligent eyes dif­ferentiate and get involved in an adventure of distinction: they can precisely separate where the his­torical part ends and the contemporary intervention begins. 352
