Múltunk – politikatörténeti folyóirat 48. (Budapest, 2003)

2. szám - REZÜMÉK

concerning the existence of historical facts as Becker. The author comes to the conclusion that in the development of Becker's historical relativism the major role was not played by a given person or theoretical school but it was the result of an extremely complex evolutionary process. Denying the existence of historical facts the crucial step was taken by Becker himself and was not the result of a given theoretical influence. Gábor Egry Tradition and Adjustment: The Political Culture of the Transylvanian Saxons during the Years ojDualism The essay surveys the development of the political organizations and political culture of the Transylvanian Saxons in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and draws parallels and contrasts between it and the attempts of the Hungarian political elite to create a nation state. It describes the major characteristics and ability of adjustment of the Saxons, who were not numerous (200 000 people) but who were well organized, by analyzing operations and means influencing decision-making of the political and social structures (administration, bodies of representation, the election system, the Saxon People's Party, the Lutheran Church, the economic organizations, and cultural associations). He also discusses the Saxon Popular Próbám and the Saxon political groups in this context It can be asserted that it was primarily due to the political system and the political culture that the Saxons' national movement was more successful than the movements of the other ethnic minorities in Hungary, The strength of tradition and its ability to legitimize things, the stability of the Saxon society, the geographically limited area of their settlements, and the limited goals of the Saxon rationalism all played an importan role in it The Saxons consciously and flexibly made use of the fact that they enjoyed certain advantages in protecting their interests. The structures they created were Janus -faced: they were tradional, even archaic locally, on level of the individuals; while they made the community modern and competitive. That is, they stabilized „inside": they made it possible for the individual to isolate himself from the challenges of the world, while they modernized their institutions „outside", in the country and, by extension, in the world.
