Nemzetközi Kerámia Stúdió - 5 kontinens kerámiái (Kecskemét, 1976)

FIRE MAGIC Ceramic Symposium 2001 Hommage à Frederick Olsen International Ceramics Studio Kecskemét, Hungary Leader of the symposium: Frederick Olsen Curator of the symposium: Mária Geszler Garzuly Exhibitions arranged by Jóna Gudvardardóttir Invited artists Kim Young Moon (Korea), György Fusz (Hungary), Itsue Ito (Japan), László Szalai (Hungary), Maro Kerassiotti (Greece), Borbála Králl (Hungary) Teachers and students Hungarian University of Arts and Crafts, Budapest - Vocational School of Fine and Applied Arts, Budapest - program leader: János Probstner Institut für Künstlerische Keramik und Glas Höhr- Grenzhausen Fachhochschule, Koblenz - program leader: Arthur Mueller Participating members P ARTICIPANTS Ursula Scheuer (Austria), Bernd Bräutigam (Germany), Steve Mattison, demonstrator (UK) General Assembly of Bács-Kiskun County Ministry of National Cultural Heritage National Cultural Fund Herend Porcellain Manufactory Co. Thermal Ceramics Italiana s.r.L, Bruno Marchi Kiskunság Mine Group Ltd., Gödény Tibor
