How Artists Live (Paris, France, 1983)

Information about artists HERE, INTRODUCTION At the date of publication of this guide, the International Association of Art — a close aMiate of Unesco — numbers 80 member nations, in each of which it is represented by artists’ unions, societies or other corporate associations; through these 80 “national committees”, a dense potential information network about artists circles the world. Our members keep in touch with each other through the mail, through the exchange of publications and by means of periodic meetings among artists. Statutorily, they are required to meet every three years in a world congress, where some theme vital to their profession if examined. In the intervals between congresses, smalle meetings occur at regional or national levels, and an international executive committee, elected at congress-time, keeps up the exchange of information by coming together at least once a year to despatch the day-to-day business of the Association. These meetings have occurred in each of the areas of the world recognized by Unesco for cultural activities of a regional nature. The time had come to devote a special number of ‘ART — the Journal of the Professional Artist” to an enquiry into the way artists live in the different parts of the world. This is it. THERE A “Guide”, such as the present number, should help artists, when they meet, to understand better each other’s background and problems, and also to appreciate such social or professional advantages as other artists may have acquired, here and there, thanks to their own efforts or to the enlightened patronage of particular governments and other public bodies. AN A contribution to the United Nations’ WORLD COMMUNICATIONS YEAR A GUIDE about the conditions of life for ARTISTS in five main cultural regions of the world
