Embrió-tor. Természetesvészek kollektíva 7. munkája (1991)

th The "Natural Disasters"Collective’ work is the end of a fate trilogy based on the performers’spiritual and physi - cal devotion.This trilogy is a confessi on about the natural and spatial links of human existence.lt speaks about life ’s beginning and end,manifests the pos­sibilities of the individual’s belief - in himself and of his supernatural fa - ith. .................................. While "Yesterday of Victory" gives a mo re general outline of this process, - - "Living Space" confronts us with the re lftfcionship of a Creature to a concrete­­space ,'V*4;th the experience of his spati­al and corporal' existence. The last part of this trilogy is the "Embryo-Grave".It tries to explore - the last moments of life ,death,and - the chances of life after death, us­ing both the funeral customs and ma­gical view in the cultures that pre­cede and follow our inherent civili­zation, and the creators’ individual­­ life exnerience...................................................... ........."After the different stages of the funeral ceremony the member^, of the dead’s family carry tha^Souls as they would carry a naw^-bom child they are to be transformed into."... Excerpt from the^eSsay " Charon and'ihe Obol" OuRsgak is the intensive embracement of our^4v:*-nS existence,the intensive invol vernémen and recording of our - selves,one whicfc^includes our possi -i ti ^ # wu. AU. wo. vu • • •••••«•• «s* ••*••••••••••••• "The domain of death is^not the past but the future.Apart from death ima ges,death promises and death pùbjici ties,death itself,the only one, -nu own death,is still before us,it is - yet to come•"»•••••••••••••••••••••• Tibor Hajas Herrn! Nitsch V % *. % . 3T ! Vf \r , w VAr f S-’V * * • V1 ■ •' ^ ’ % 4« »3: ■ iirSH •** % V» V »*, a -r - "\X V..»« 1 V V* M V I - A üa f+r: ■xZ ' 4.' HT hi \ -AS*­V * • > «.JL- V ... ; -T^-y w ** * 4L .rv-F** **-»’*1 V. v . % * *V -h­i
