II. Nemzetközi Kőszobrász Szimpozion (Püspökladány, 1994)

PLACE OF PILGRIMAGE OF THE FINE ART A new epoche opened in the history of Püspökladány. Ferenc Karacs, the notability of the refonn era belonged to those who had to leave to be able to create his life-work. Sculptor Lajos Győrfí established his home here and created works having been erected on the public squares deserving appreciation of the local population. Artist from Spain, Denmark, Finnland and Transsilvania are coming for a visit to this city where Endre Ady spent no more time than changing the train. Püspökladány could be place of pilgrimage of the fine art! Just imagine that within a few years the statues of the famous peaople of the region could enwreathe the Promenade Rákóczy, among them the Venus Ladányi itself and other works as well. And Ladány would simply be called the city of the statues and ornament wells. There are impenitent dreamers whose dreams are the first spark of the creative hope. A city loving and honouring the art need not to worry about its future: because the art lifts up the hearts to the real freedom, the pure truth and the lights walking along the fundament of heavens. Ilián G. Nagy
