Rotari Alberto Cecchetto (Mezzocorona, Trento, 1996)

Projects justified by places Architecture that grows out of its setting, specially de­signed for a particular place, setting up complex rela­tionships between buildings and the surrounding en­vironment. The skeletal outlines of vines, a viaduct, trees... Whatever is there. Each site is made up of signs that convey values and contradictions. These signs are a structural code of the area with whi­ch the architectural project sets up a dialogue. The signs are living traces, a lexicon made of matter, a dictionary of time-created layers, ready to be used in expressing new meanings. I can plan a project only if I am able to read and de­cipher these signs. But the contrary is also true: I am unable to fully un­derstand the signs until I develop a project. Projects select the formal values of the chosen sites, and transmute them into a new synthesis: this results in a new and independent assessment of the site, its physical and social history. My projects manipulate composite materials: vi­ neyards, piles of bottles, the bends of a river, the incli­nations and curves of a viaduct. Projects thus absorb the energies of their settings and translate them into volumes of light and air, crea­ting portions of space enclosed by walls of stone or cement, windows, roofs of metal or wood. The projects must work their way through twists and turns, confronting contradictions, diversity and com­plexity without losing their sense of purpose... Without a loss of focus, always remembering that a good project continues it existence beyond its blocks of stone, into time... Projects of places. fäo*aäJx' Àûaj (Ti Umi&Ufa JaJI Otlo ^ ßtJfc UM j^oJeJ^tlTTo^, '^Úmaaiasl- odir&au* uïu^p&ah. om i i^<ä uA$ä ’ £. (AA^UuJ^ ^ S&IíMáÍ M U^y um lAoddtfp/dMc4^ . . . t^tAlMo f-ÛA. A^U\iMJL\C UMOM* OyyA QáaC^ û j!*JÂo tL Vbß^ J V&iûlÀ Ç i^dAoJdAA^(lu^ ( Sô^MA/V^tO il Jjj^ÍÍiaaImÁ.0 UMA (£*UaûJg ( ù 0 '-À facJLuTcffiuM*- ÀÀaAcu^^. V yCUA^ tw^ LÀ 4^Cy UM &A*\tô lO^ÛÀA&L , UM UÜCaUq&imP $tàuUufoXo ^ 7U ff^Mt^'jd 1 ■ **■-** T -,t "ï~ TPTT" • -^T^žfcar .a * 1 æ J^oyMoA^ o&^c %, o&uc t“-ßundo JU *- ^ iM. / ir^ TÍ UuZtCoMO _ Hùu toihćO Ä**>i £2** ^pfM A juav-M) Ia£u jb^cdu um i/^sgtTo— ' I ^ycdi-fUiàMOMoû ( </&ÍMa ji&MMjoJU élű*. ŰuC^U a di T<\ûlu CÀÙmS l^- UM* UM&rA &U f*fto UMoU AmÎQUAUua. MmJUL^ ImM- LU/ÏÂTCqmXi -e ^3 #\A. yÙuÀtK ^À/yÀiA. € ^^ÀajL _— \ jfUc^^L. MasQUA IMAAMfUxfiaxe, ImJàX&aaTc LO^jj^rdCtÂ' : g &X<rÂl tT- kôffiÿjU&y /^om *Lfit maajl ^ LaJćtous&z: e. c&*£\ptaAi*.. 2 *. ^ iÀoJLstXo £2* H f’-Ç., T : § > * ^ '^*<*' ' t .. * Ai^ Ûmcç£m £_ TbstîAcluuuMô 1? Im u^Ímmm *L <lU* <lcL dual .[MwsùxuAcfc jfaù AîuaJm'u^ : d^( M ^> ^ CUtJuAJL rU ŰXMMŰM* ï IM}!* (A^sQuo Ai<U>ÙA4_ a. ûfxJT^aML , //JlA. t^JMÀû^Jdj-^LA-ÛMK . sjuJjddL dù<reui\TëC'^ 60MÀJjdc^t\7ff^ héuàML U ßc* ‘ ^ JU'^íkJmí Í VWötíAi . /i^r^d^^CLté^A U*~ u*< L*uui l^yJJo Ceezr: M,yog^ qÛ^(L- JÀO’. f>À ífágjf ImJ-1&U*JuS> g- _*,___ PTO 76 Mm-----------------------—---—­—----------—
