Joao Duarte (Núcleo de Arte Sacra do Museu Municipal, 2004)

Nasceu em Lisboa, em 1952. Licenciado em Escultura pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa em 1978. Professor Auxiliar de Escultura da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. Académico Correspondente da Academia de Belas Artes. Fundador do Grupo Anverso/Reverso - Medalha Contemporânea. Fundador do Projecto Volte Face -Medalha Contemporânea, actualmente Centro de Estudos Volte Face - Medalha Contemporânea. Membro efectivo da F.I.D.E.M. (Federação Internacional de Medalhística) desde 1990. Membro efectivo do "Sculptors Guild Inc.',' New York - U.S.A., desde 1995. Membro fundador da Associação de Artistas Plásticos do Concelho de Vila Franca de Xira. Natural of Lisbon where was born in 1952. Graduate in Sculpture by Superior School of Fine Art of Lisbon (ESBAL). Now, he is Auxiliar Professor of Sculpture and Medal at Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon University. Fie also is an correspondent academician of National Academy of Fine Arts. Founder Member of "Anverso / Reverso - Medalha Contemporânea" Founder Member of "Centro de Estudos Volte Face - Medalha Contemporânea of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon University. Effective Member of the Internacional Federation of Medals since 1990. Effective Member of the "Sculpture Guild Inc. - New York, U.S.A. Founder Member of Plastic Artists Association of Vila Franca de Xira. During his career he was present in countless individual and collective exhibitions of Sculpture and Medals, and is represented in several collections in Spain, Finland, United States of America, Japan, Hungary, England, Netherlands, Germany and France. João Duarte made thirty five public work and his represented in diverse national and foreign museums. In the contemporaneous medal field ninety three medals and in the numismatics one he made five commemorative cions for Portuguese Mint.
