The Beginning Exhibition of The First International Medallic Sculpture Competition for Emerging Artists (MedialiaGallery, 2005)

MY DEFINITION OK M E D A L L I C SCULPTURE Sculpture is a three-dimensional experience where one can walk around an object arid engage in a tactile experience. No matter how the work is created, it is tangible. Two­­dimensional work, on the other hand, can create an illusion in many ways, but the viewer is not commonly encouraged to touch and feel a varied surface. Medal art joins both the two and three-dimensional worlds into one unique visual, tactile form. Quite often, medals have both obverse and reverse surfaces which allows for a more complex content. They are small enough to be appreciated in the hand, as if one is holding the entire idea of the artist. Collecting any art is owning a piece of the authors thoughts, but collecting medal art becomes a more personal experience than other types of art works because of its tactile quality. Because of this intimacy, the artist must be specially trained in both bas and high relief to be able to transmit ideas with technical proficiency. M aSHIKO NakaSHIMA* Competition and Exhibition OrganizerО cover : Virág Szabó ONCE UPON A TIME... И bronze 125 x 100 x 10 mm
