The 4th International Friednly Art Exhibition in Toyama (Hungary, China, Korea, Japan, 2005)

富山県知事 石井隆一 二乃亡a「第4回国際友好美術交流展t午法」全開催乃技誠丨:喜m:堪克 圭甘人。 近年、夂口一八瓜化々情報化(7)急速&進展丨; :伴V、、国境全越免亡芸術文化〇交流炉 活発丨:展開本県丨:ÍbKk多<〇芸術文化団体私、美術、演劇、舞踊、 音楽等(7)分野T、国際文化交流G積極的G取〇組九TOft。 二I亡*分、富山県芸術文化協会炉友好提携旮締結LT W厶中国遼寧省、/、>力'' = 一;レ県、韓国江原道C7)各芸術文化団体分G優托亡美術作品旮集6、 美術交流展奁開催圭t。 今回CO展覧会国T活躍ÿtlTV、冬美術作家CO皆様《作品89点t 富山県内〇美術家W作品炉一堂C展示国際色态厶札石秀作《数々全鑑賞 機会t二*乙思期間中d「富山県芸術祭美術連 合展」M并咕T開催$权易Üt二多<0皆様丨二二'覧vWiè/iPi;存I: f1"〇 富山県t'í±、芸術文化全通CT世界G羽!äTi〈「元気創造G全力全尽<L 〇、宏t步、二〇亡展覧会全契機tLT、芸術文化丨:上冬友好W絆炉一層深針、 国際的旮文化交流》輪炉$6丨二大§〈広炉19法念願K々办Í甘九。 終朽(1)二、開催(二二尽力V、亡/iê f L亡富山県芸術文化協会全iá 1: tó関係〇皆様G 心力、6感謝申Lè疗i卞。 Greetings Governor of Toyama Prefecture ISHII Takakazu It is a great pleasure for me to be able to hold the 4th International Friendly Art Exhibition. Recent years, the artistic and cultural cross-border exchanges are developing across the countries with globalization and the rapid growing of the information-oriented society. In our prefecture as well, many artistic and cultural organizations work eagerly for the international cultural exchanges in the area of art, drama, dancing and music. In this situation, we are going to hold the Friendly Art Exhibition collecting excellent art works from each artistic and cultural organization which Toyama Prefectural Artistic and Cultural Association has the friendly partnership with - that is, Liaoning, China; Hajdu-Bihar County, Hungary; Gang won-do, Korea. This Exhibition, where 89 works of active artists in each country are to be exhibited, will be a perfect opportunity to appreciate many excellent pieces of the international level. During the Exhibition, the Exhibition of the Toyama Prefectural Artistic Alliance is going to be held as well. I hope as many people as possible to visit the Exhibition. Toyama prefecture is devoting great effort and energy for creating “Genld-Toyama”(Cheerful Toyama) which plays active role on the world’s diplomatic stage through artistic and cultural activities. And I sincerely hope that an international friendly bond will become even firmer through this Exhibition as a good opportunity. Last but not least, I would like to express my great thanks to all the people, including Toyama Prefectural Artistic and Cultural Association, who made efforts and contributions for holding this Exhibition.
