Növényvédelem, 2002 (38. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2002-04-01 / 4. szám

179 NÖVÉNYVÉDELEM 38 (4), 2002 PROPAGATION OF CIRSIUM ARVENSE (L.) SCOP. P. Solymosi Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1245 Budapest, Pf.1000 Cirsium arvense, a native of Europe or temperate Asia, is an herbaceous perennial growing to more than 1 m in height and having spring leaves and an elaborate subterraneum system of roots and rhizomes from which new shoots are produced at irregular intervals. Small fragments of the underground material give rise to new plants. One plant can colonize an area several meters in diameter during the first one or two seasons of growth. The plumed achene is assumed by some to be the machanism of long-distance dispersal, but other evidence indicates that many plumes are broken from achenes which remain in the head. It constitues the worst thistle problem of many cool and warm temperate regions. In pastures it reduces forage consumption, for cattle will not graze near either tall or spreading plants because of the sharp spines on the leaves. It is a weed of 27 crops in 37 countries. Root fragments less than 5 mm long were unable to form shoots. However shotts were produced by fragments 10 mm long and 1 mm in diameter, unless originating from immature apical regions. Root fragments showed polarity; most of the shoots originated from the basal (proximal), and the roots from the apical (distal) end. Soil moisture content had relatively little effect upon growth from a fragment unless the soil was waterlogged or very dry for prolong periods. Growth from frag­ments was prevented by 5 °C; optimum growth occured at 15 °C. Shoots from fragments 25 mm longed emerged succesfully from depths of 50 cm. r A NÖVÉNYVÉDELMI KLUB 2002. május 8-án 16.30-tól várja az érdeklődőket az Földművelésügyi és Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium (Budapest V. kér., Kossuth Lajos tér 11.) félemeleti (42/b. számú) tanácstermében. A klubdélutánon DR. NAGY BARNABÁS MTA Növényvédelmi Kutatóintézete AMIT A SÁSKÁKRÓL TUDNI KELL címen tart előadást. Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk V. Tarjányi József és Zsigó György a Klub elnöke a Klub titkára J
