A MTA Tihanyi Biológiai Kutatóintézetének Évkönyve 35. (1968)

1. ÁLLATTAN - Hiripi László: Paper chromatographic and fluorimetric examination of the serotonin content in the nervous system and other tissues of three freshwater molluscs (Anodonta, Unio, Lymnaea) = Szerotonin papírkromatográfiás és fluorimetriás vizsgálata három édesvízi Mollusca (Anodonta, Unio, Lymnaea) idegrendszerében és más szöveteiben

PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHIC AND FLUOROMETRIC EXAMINATION OF THE SEROTONIN CONTENT IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND OTHER TISSUES OF THREE FRESHWATER MOLLUSCS (Anodonta, Unio, Lymnaea) LÁSZLÓ HIRIPI Biological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Tihany Hungary Received: 4th March, 1968 Extensive studies were performed concerning the role of serotonin (5HT) in vertebrates and invertebrates (Garattini 1965, Erspamer 1966). In the latter group of animals it may function as a stimulating transmitter (Welsh 1957, Koshtoyants 1957). The effect of serotonin has been examined and described in various organs and representants of Molluscs (Hill 1958, Koshto­yants and Rózsa 1961, Aielló 1957, 1960, Gerschenfeld and Stefani 1962, 1962, Salánki 1963, Twarog 1964, 1966). That 5HT might have the role of a transmitter was indicated not only by its occurrence only (Welsh and Moorhead 1960, Dahl et al. 1966), but also by the fact that the 5HTP decarboxylase enzyme which is involved in synthesis was also demonstrated (Welsh and Moorhead 1959, Kerkut and Cottrell 1963, Cardot 1966). The monoamino oxidase enzyme, however, which is responsible for the decomposition of 5HT was not demonstrable in the nerve, but only in the other tissues (Blaschko and Hope 1957, Kerkut and Cottrell 1963). Examinations were performed concerning the 5HT content of the nervous system and other tissues in a number of molluscan species by chromatographic, fluorometric and histochemical methods (Welsh and Moorhead 1960, Dahl et al. 1966, Zs.-Nagy 1967, Sakharov and Zs.-Nagy 1967). The results show that in the stage of development of the two classes of Molluscs the serotonin content of the tissues was higher in Lamellibranchs than in Gastropods. Only little data are available concerning the 5HT content of the tissues in freshwater molluscan species. The present investigations were made with the objective to compare the serotonin content of the various tissues in three species. Method In the present study the cerebral, visceral and pedal ganglia, the cerebro visceral connective (CVc), the adductors, the tissue of the mantle, gill and the Heart in the Anodonta cygnea L.; the cerebral, visceral and pedal ganglia, the CVc, adductors further the tissues of the mantle and the gill in Unio pictorum and the pharyngeal ganglia of Lymnaea stagnalis were examined. Tissue samples were prepared immediately before the experiment and were stored at ice ANNAL. BIOL. TIHANY 35 3—11 HUNGÁRIA 1968 l*
