A MTA Tihanyi Biológiai Kutatóintézetének Évkönyve 41. (1974)

1. ÁLLATTAN - Elekes Károly: The effect of different fixation procedures on the ultrastructure of the ganglia of fresh water mussel (Anodonta cygnea L.), with particular reference to the composition and morphology of the vesicle population = Különböző fixálási eljárások hatása a tavi kagyló (Anodonta cygnea L.), ganglionjainak ultrastruktúrájára különös tekintettel a vezikula populáció összetételére és morfológiájára

ANNAL. BIOL. TIHANY 41 3-24 HUNGÁRIA 1974 THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FIXATION PROCEDURES ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF THE GANGLIA OF FRESH WATER MUSSEL (ANODONTA CYGNEA L ), WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE COMPOSITION AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE VESICLE POPULATION KÁROLY ELEKES Biological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Tihany, Hungary Received: 28th February, 1974 It has been established in our former investigations (Elekes and Zs.-Nagy, 1973) that the ultrastructure of the ganglia of fresh water mussel and first of all, the morphology and composition of their vesicles are funda­mentally influenced by various fixatives (Os, GA-Os, KMn04). Following the double fixation five vesicle types could at least be distinguished in the neuropile (clear, small and large dense-core, eccentric dense-core and probably peptidergic vesicles). However, after KMn04 fixation two forms, the granular and clear ones were only observed. Both for invertebrate and vertebrate nervous systems several data are known (Gupta et al., 1969; Cobb and Mullins, 1973; Tbanzee et al., 1969; Thureson-Klein et al., 1973) according to which the submicroscopic structure of the sympathetic neurons and first of all, the form of appearence of the vesicles are considerably altered not only by the fixative directly but by the sequence of the fixatives, the chemical environment of the fixation (pH), and by the several staining techniques. On the basis of the above data, our aim was to obtain further informa­tion how 1. the general ultrastructure of the ganglia, 2. the composition and the morphology of the vesicle population are influenced by the different circumstances of fixation. Thereby we should like to obtain further data regard­ing the possible connection between the matrices of the vesicles of mussel neurons and monoamine storage. Material and methods The investigations were carried out on the ganglia of adult specimens of Anodonta cygneaY. The ganglia were fixed according to the following methods: I. Glutaraldehyde-osmium double fixation 1. GA-Os: Fixation with 3% glutaraldehyde diluted in Balaton-water or in Anodonta-Ringer (Marczinsky, 1959) at room temperature for 1 or 2 hours. After a short washing the ganglia were postfixed in 2% 0s04 buffered with s-collidine (Bennett and Luft, 1959) for 30 minutes at 0°C. From time
