Turul 2012 (A Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai Társaság Közlönye)

4. füzet - 4. Summary of issues, Turul 2010-2012 (ford. MARTON-SZABÓ DOROTTYA)

SUMMARY OF ISSUES, TURUL 2010-2012 2010/1.: GYÖRGY RÁCZ: Renewal of Turul journal, after 18 years -An introduction to the program of the new editors. The previous staffers were led by editor-in-chief Éva Nyulászi-Straub, from the restart of Turul until 2009. To this end the publishers (the Hungarian Association of History, the National Archives of Hungary and the Hungarian Society of Heraldry and Genealogy) decided to reform the periodical totally. They decided to return to the general principles given by the Turul 's founder, Béla Radvánszky in 1883: complying the auxiliary sciences of history with high scientific standards instead of publishing all sorts of genealogical articles. TAMÁS KÖRMENDI: The kindred ofOsl's coat of arms and its variations in the middle ages - The survey covers the sources how the clan families used the coat of arms, describes the genus' blazon including the questions of tinctures. Transcriptions of two patents and a register of seals is also added. IVÁN BERTÉNYI wrote a commemorative article about Szabolcs Vajay (1921-2010) who took the lead in restarting the Turul in 1992. 2010/2.: TIBOR NEUMANN: Signatures and seals of the early Jagelló kings - According to Chancellery routine between 1490 and 1496, the signature of the king acquitted the seal's user of liability defined in the deed. CSABA KATONA: Gentility of Vladimír Clementis, Czechoslovakian Minister for Foreign Affairs - The ancestry of the "Czechoslovakian Rajk" (Vladimir Clementis, 1902-1952) can be traced back to the noble Clementis family whose Hungarian nobility was granted by king Ferdinand III, pursuant to a randomly appeared source. GYÖRGY LACZLAVIK: The growth of archival records at the Department of Family Records and Collections, National Archives of Hungary, in 2009 - Report on accessioned new fonds, archival materials for existing fonds, acquired by gift, deposit or purchase. 2010/3.: TAMÁS PÁLOSFALVI: The Szenesei and Pekri families in the 15th century and in the first third of the 16,h century -A genealogical reconstruction of the mentioned Slavonic families, members of the wealthiest castle-holder elite. BOGLÁRKA WEISZ: Counts of Chamber in the era of the Árpád dynasty - An exhaustive repository of the Hungarian Counts of Chamber (Comes Camerae), prior to 1301. FERENC SOÓS: Falsely identified family coat of arms on medieval Hungarian coins - As a person responsible for coinage, the count of Chamber (Comes Camerae, Thesaurarius Regius) used its family coat of arms as a stamped signature on medieval coins, apparently. 2010/4.: KORNÉL SZOVÁK: The extended charter of János Gersei Pethő - The author represents the humanistic chancery style of this well-known 'litterae armorum', the illustration of the royal family framing the shield. He analyzes the patent's possible connections to the Hungarian historiography, historical annals. ZSIGMOND JAKÓ: Jakó family ofHodos in the middle ages - A reconstruction essay on the author's possible ancestry. DOROTTYA SZABÓ: The old „Táti" -Represents a newly bought document with a portrait of Jozef Bern and two commemorative poems about him. RICHÁRD HORVÁTH: Was ban Benedek Himfi a bigamist? (Supplements to the genealogical history of the Döbrentei Himfi family) - A verification that Dorottya Essegvári, the only wife of the warlord lived from the middle 1380's in the Convent of St. Catherine, Veszprém. 2011/1.: The whole issue is dedicated to the newly bought letter written by István Brodarics. CSABA T. REISZ: The letter ofBrodarics. About the new acquisition of the National Archives of Hungary in 2010 - The author concludes how the letter returned to a Hungarian archival collection and attracts attention to further valuable sources, 'lurking' in collector's compilations. GÉZA PÁLFFY: A peculiar switch of party after Battle of Mohács - A summary of the political­historical circumstances ofBrodarics' changing sites. PÉTER KASZA: Letter written by the Bishop of Syrmia, István Brodarics to King Ferdinand I. about leaving his services for King János Szapolyai -Transcription of the remarkable letter written in 1527, placed into the row of all other remaining letters ofBrodarics. TERÉZ OBORNI analyzes Slavonian-born Brodarics' diplomatic activities on behalf of King János (I.) Szapolyai. GYÖRGY LACZLAVIK: Coat of arms of István Brodarics - Review on Brodarics' letter of coat of arms (granted in 1517). The original letter was shown at the National Archives of Hungary in 1897 and was copied. Since then the original charter went missing. 2011/2.: KRISZTINA TÓTH: The clan Szécs and its cousinship - Sets together the clan members in a genealogical way. ANDRÁS MOLNÁR: Seals of Zala County between 1550 and 1848 - Introduces the usage of seals in the county, from the beginning to its development. GERGELY MÓZESSY: Ways of interpretation of a pontifical coat of arms. Bishop Ottokár Prohászka's coat of arms - A survey on authentic Episcopal coat of arms, with diverse approaches. GÁBOR MERÉNYI-METZGER: Children of Count Móric Benyovszky - Clarifies family relations of the well-known traveller, using parish registers in the first place.
