Új Holnap, 2001 (46. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2001 / 1. szám - KONDOR BÉLA (1931-1972) - Krúdi Mária: Hagyomány és interkulturális kihívás az 1990-es évek ír drámájában

31 Donal O’Kelly, Asylum! Asylum! In: Christopher Fitz-Simon and Sanford Sternlicht (eds.), New Plays from the Abbey Theatre 1993-1995. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1996. 134, 137. 32 Vö. Wilhelm Heitmeyer, „Hostility and Violence towards Foreigners in Germany.” In: Tore Björgo and Rob Witte (eds.), Racist Violence in Europe. London: Macmillan, 1993. 26. 33 Dermot Keogh, Jews in Twentieth-Century Ireland: Refugees, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Cork: Cork UP, 1998. 26-27. 34 Vö. Hayden White, „A történelmi cselekményesítés és az igazság problémája.” In: A történelem terhe. Ford.: John Éva. Budapest: Osiris, 1997. 254-55. 35 Vö. Stanton B. Garner, Jr. Bodied Spaces: Phenomenology and Performance in Contemporary Drama. Ithaca: Cor­nell UP, 1994. 162. 36 John Barrett, Borrowed Robes, (kézirat) Dublin, 1998. 38. 37 Horni K. Bhabha, i. m. 86. 38 Vö. Fintan O’Toole, The Lie of the Land: Irish Identities. London: Verso, 1997. 65. 19 Heidi Stephenson and Natasha Langridge, Rage and Reason: Women Playivrights on Playwriting. London: Met­huen, 1997. 147. 20 Fiona Bcckct, „A theatrical matrilineage? Problems of the familial in the drama of Teresa Deevy and Mari­na Carr.” In: Scott Brewster, Virginia Crossman, Fiona Becket and David Aldcrson (eds.), Ireland in Proxi­mity: History, Gender, Space. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. 89. 21 Vö. Jeanie Forte, i. m. 26. 22 Marina Carr, By the Bog of Cats. Loughcrew, Oldcastle: The Gallery Press, 1999. 80. 23 Christopher Murray, „The State of Play: Irish Theatres in the ‘Nineties.” 21. 24 Colin Tccvan, „Northern Ireland: Our Troy? Recent Versions of Greek Tragedies by Irish Writers.” In: Mo­dern Drama 41. 1 (1998): 77. 25 I. m. 79. 26 Brendan Kennedy, A New Version of Euripides’s The Trojan Women. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxc Books, 1993. 5. 27 Robert Tracy, „The Russian Connection: Friel and Chekhov.” In: Irish University Review. 29, 1. (Spring/Summer 1999): 73. 28 Idézi Una Chaudhuri, i. m. 14. 29 Geraldine Moanc, „A psychological analysis of colonialism in an Irish context.” The Irish Journal of Psychology 15. 2, 3 (1994): 259. 30 Heiner Zimmermann, „European Xenophobia and Ireland. A Postcolonial View: Donal O’Kelly: Asylum! Asylum!” Bernhard Reitz (ed.), Race and Religion in Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English.Trier: Wissen­schaftlicher Verlag, 1999. 70. -Ui 96 WAP
