Új Látóhatár, 1972 (15/23. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1972 / 1. szám

ÚJ LÁTÓHATÁR Literary and Political Review Editors: Gyula Borbándi, József Molnár SUMMARY On the first pages of this issue we present an interview, or rather a conver­sation, between two outstanding figures of contemporary Hungarian letters. The poet Gyula Illyés (Budapest) talks with the essayist László Cs. Szabó (London) on the fate of small nations and the perspectives of writing. We also print an essay by Áron Kibédi Varga (Amsterdam). Prof. Kibédi Varga analyses the novels of Gyula Krúdy, an important writer who died in 1933. Frigyes Naschitz (Tel Aviv) introduces some poets from Cuba and Peru. The introduction is followed by translations also by Mr. Naschitz. We present new poems by István Készéi (Paris), Gábor Fülöp (Novi Sad, at present: Budapest), Attila Szilágyi (Munich), Eszter Forrai (Paris) and Tamás Tűz (Rome). In the „Documents" section we present a socio-economic study by Péter Szekeres (Solma, Sweden). Our contributor, who left Hungary recently, ana­lyses — on the basis of several interviews — the living standards of Hungarian university graduates. In our „Review" section the reader finds an article by János Boór (Munich) introducing the new, oecumenical texts of the most important prayers and credos of the Hungarian Christian Churches. Dezső Monoszlóy (Vienna) reviews the Collected Poems of Győző Határ, and Tibor Hanák (Vienna) writes on a selection of Hungarian poetry, in German translation, printed in Salzburg. Endre Zsigmond (Munich) reviews five volumes: a study by Thomas Tormay, a volume by László Révész, a selection from writings on the Saxons of Transsylvania by various hands, an historical essay on St. Margaret of Scotland by Kázmér Nagy and a Hungarian guide-book of Vienna by László Juhász. Finally, we print two articles on films. Lóránt Czigàny (Berkeley, Calif.) writes on the film-director Miklós Jancsó with special regard to his film „The Roundup" and László Ribánszky (London) reviews the new film of Dusán Makavejev: „The Mysteries of the Human Body".
