Közgazdasági Szemle – 1970.

június - A cikkek orosz és angol nyelvű tartalmi kivonata

SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLES (foreign trade) price proportions. A pre-condition of this process is a modification of the production pattern, the raising of productivity, improvement of the system and prices in the trade with socialist countries. The established system of profit taxation-as improved in 1969—'70-should be main­tained in the next years. As regards the normative taxes, from the economic point of view it would be justified to raise the tax on wages and reduce the charge on assets. If examined on the basis of foreign trade prices, the agricultural prices show no dis­parity against industrial producers' prices. In the author's opinion it is not justified to raise agricultural procurement prices, but agriculture should be given adequate financial support also in future. Financial subsidies to agriculture are today an important element in the economic policy of both the socialist and the capitalist countries. The present consumer prices deviate from social inputs in a wide scope and mostly for reasons not sufficieatly justified by economic and social policy. This is served by a highly differentiated system of turnover taxes and consumer price subsidies. The consumer prices should be gradually adjusted to social inputs. Price deviations should be restricted to exceptions justified by points of view of social and economic policy. Tamds Nagy: On the purposeful forms of reallocating capital in the Hungarian economy The article discusses what new forms should be created or what combinations of existing and new forms should be developed in the Hungarian economy to promote a more rational allocation, a planned flow and a more efficient utilization of capital—within the framework of the existing model of economic mechanism. The author considers reallocation (flow, movement) all cases when—beyond the invest­ment of capital in the same enterprises where they are formed in an unequal manner—a change occurs in the distribution of total social (real) capital among the individual enter­prises. Maintaining the great role of the state budget in the government control of the total investment process, as regards the enterprise sphere-that is, where economic activity is organized in the framework of enterprises—it is advisable to narrow down in comparison to the present situation the share of investments concretely decided by government and financed partly or entirely out of the budget. However, in order to centrally influence the investments decided upon by enterprises, differentiated methods of budgetary preferences (Aux-rednetions and allotments) should be developed. Efforts should be made that-according to the principles of the reform—bank credits should play a greater role than at present in financing investments, because reallocation of capital through bank credits has the advantage of harmonizing the autonomy of enterprise investment decisions and material incentives of the right direction with the possibility of centrally surveying and influencing the investment process. In order to promote proper flexibility of capital reallocation, adaptation to changing needs, and expanding the scope of enterprise initiative, direct reallocation of capital among enterprises should be given a greater scope, with a government control that keeps an eye on social interests. With proper legal and financial measures the simple association of enterpri­ses for certain common activities and the creation of common enterprises should be made easier. It must be allowed that enterprises transfer to each other for investment purposes devel­opment funds with a final character or as repayable credits. It is also desirable to intro­duce restricted commercial credit, that is, that enterprises grant each other commodity credit from their development funds. Legal rules should be established to regulate the hand­ing over and leasing of machinery and equipment, etc. Bonds, as a method of capital reallocation can be made an organic part of the present economic mechanism. For the time being, it is advisable to allow to issue bonds with an ex­perimental character, in a narrower scope and mainly to meet local (communal) needs. Apart from relations with foreigh capitalist countries — the real stock cannot be fitted into the present economic mechanism, it cannot be a form used in this system to reallocate capital. The objection is justified against the real stock even in a longer perspective that it would increase and institutionalize speculation and would lead to an intolerable separation of labour from ownership. As a problem to be examined, the author raises the creation of a new institution, the Development Institute, in the framework of the bank-system. On the one hand, this Institute would organize and implement the gowernment control of the investment process according to central objectives, and, on the other hand, it would support, by granting capital against its sharing in the profits, the creation of new enterprises or major expansion of the existing ones, thereby helping, in a centrally controllable manner, the utilization of particularly pro­fitable possibilities for investment. Ferenc Kozma: Technical progress and the approaching of development levels in the CMEA In a region of the world economy, e.g. in the CMEA, productive forces of the most diverse efficiency live side by side and affect each other. Development level of the productive forces shows contrasts not only in international comparison, but also within the individual countries. We have a general development level of the productive forces and around it we may find branches or productive units on higher or lower levels by one or several degrees. The author calls this distribution the technical structure. That technical structure may be considered as a healthy one where the highest level is capable of gradually "pulling up" the others. This is called by the author an economy with "a proportionately strained complexion ' as opposed to "complexion without a strain" where the pulling power is missing and to the "technically overstrained complexion", where the highest level has broken away from
