Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 29. (1994)

1-2. szám - MILETITS J. CZ. - HOLLÓ L. - VERŐ J. - ZIEGER B.: Interplanetary magnetic field-dependent and geomagnetic latitude dependent periods of pulsations (A re-evaluation)

180 J CZ MILETITS et al. In the following, we discuss mostly results confirmed by at least two, but in many cases by three or more independent sets of data. Data sets mean here when not otherwise stated all available data from one year, i.e. several thousand hourly values. As most results have been published previously (even if sometimes not in international journals), we do not want to give details about instruments, data collection and processing. Hourly occurrences and average amplitudes are from the pulsation catalogue of the observatory that contains these values from quick-run records for 12 period bands, namely It is to be added that since 1987, the bands PI and P2 are too disturbed for an estimation of the corresponding parameters. Amplitude and period values are hand­­scaled, but due to the great experience of the colleague who makes the processing, they are quite stable, moreover, they are made in a routine basis, i.e. they cannot be influenced by wishful thinking. In a few cases daily pulsation indices are also used. They indicate the activity PI 1- 5 s P7 30- 40 P2 5-10 s P8 40- 60 P3 10-15 s P9 60- 90 P4 15-20 s P10 90-120 P5 20-25 s Pll 120-300 P6 25-30 s P12 300-600 Fig. 1. Scheme of the connections surveyed in this paper. Numbers indicate sections where the corresponding connections are treated Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. 29, 1994
