Acta Medica 46. (1989)

1989 / 1. szám - IMMUNOLOGY - Cs. Balázs-E. Kiss-N. R. Farid: Effect of lithium on chemiluminescence of polymorphonuclear granulocytes and mononuclear cells of peripheral blood

EFFECT OF LITHIUM ON CHEMOLUMINESCENCE OF GRANULOCYTES 35 was gradually diminished and significant reduction was calculated at 2.0 and 5.0 mM of lithium (P< 0.05, P <0.01) (Fig. 4). Since lithium exerted effect on chemiluminescence activity of PMN, therefore, we tested the engulfment of opsonized Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the presence of this cation. In accordance with changes in respiratory burst a dose-dependent significant decrease was observed in phagocytic indices (Table I). ^H- thymidine incorporation is an accepted test for lymphocyte proliferation, therefore, in the next series of experiments we sought whether not only the early but also late metabolic changes in lymphocytes could be affected by lithium. We measured the PHA-P induced ^H-thymidine incorporation into Fig. 2 Effect of lithium on chemiluminescence (mean +S.E.M.) of mononuclear cells, induced by opsonized Zymosan. Zymosan induces a photon emission from mononuclear cells. The oxygen radicals generated as a result of oxidation of luminol which emit chemiluminescent signal were measured. Concentrations of lithium reduce chemiluminescence significantly compared to controls (at 1.0—2.0 mM: P -<0.05, and at 5.0 mM: P < 0.01). Comparisons were made be­tween integrated chemiluminescence values from ten experiments. The abscissa shows the speed of paper of 1.0 mm/min, the ordinate the chemi­luminescence expressed in mV
