Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja, 2006 (69. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2006 / 3. szám - ULTRAHANG DIAGNOSZTIKA - Kiss József-Attila - Brassai Zoltán - Makó Katalin - Szabó Béla - Kiss Szilárd Leó: Egészséges nem terhesek, egészséges és hipertóniás terhesek endothelium funkciójának vizsgálata lézer-Doppler áramlásméréssel

[11] Roberts JM, Taylor RN, Goldfein A. Clinical and bi­ochemical evidence of endothelial cell dysfunction in the pregnancy syndrome preeclampsia. Am J Hyper­­tens 1989; 700-708. [12] Simionescu N, Simionescu M. Endothelial cell bio­logy in health and disease. New York: Plenum Press 1998. [13] Sing P, Maibach H. Iontophoresis in drug delivery: Basic principles and applications. Crit Rev Ther Drug 1994; 11: 161. [14] Ramsay JE, Ferrell WR, Greer IA, Sattar N. Factors critical to iontophoretic assessment of vascular reacti­vity: Implications for clinical studies of endothelial dysfunction. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2002; 39: 9-17. [15] Asberg A, Holm T, Vassbotn T, Andreassen AK, Hartmann A. Nonspecific microvascular vasodilation during iontophoresis is attenuated by application of hyperosmolar saline. Microvasc Res 1999; 58:41^48. [16] Judith B, Reindert G, van Pampus MG, van Doorma­­alSmit AJ, Rakhorst G, Aarnoudse JG. Abnormal Endothelium-Dependent Microvascular Reactivity in Recently Preeclamptic Women. Obstetrics & Gyneco­logy. 2005; 105: 626-632. [17] Anim-Nyame N, Gamble J, Sooranna SR, Johnson MR, Sullivan MH, Steer PJ. Evidence of impaired microvascular function in pre-eclampsia: a non-inva­­sive study. Clin Sei (bond) 2003; 104(4): 405^112. [18] Anim-Nyame N, Sooranna SR, Johnson MR, Gamble J, Steer PJ. Resting peripheral blood flow in normal pregnancy and in pre-eclampsia. Clin Sei (bond) 2000; 99(6): 505-510. [19] Anim-Nyame N, Sooranna SR, Johnson MR, Sullivan MH, Gamble J, Steer PJ. Impaired retrograde trans­mission of vasodilatory signals via the endothelium in pre-eclampsia: a cause of reduced tissue blood flow? Clin Sei (bond) 2004; 106(1): 19-25. Kiss JA, Brassai Z, Makó К, Szabó В, Kiss SzL: Investigation of endothelial function by la­­ser-Doppler flowmetry in healthy non-preg­nant, healthy pregnant and hypertensive preg­nant women The vascular pathophysiology of preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder unique to human pregnancy, has been postulated to be due to endothelial dysfunction ari­sing from abnormal placentation, as a result of a failure of adequate trophoblastic invasion into the maternal uterine vasculature. We evaluated endothelial cell de­pendent dilation induced by acetylcholine and endothe­lial cell independent dilation induced by sodium nitrop­­ruside, as well as reactive hyparaemia presuming that these forearm capillaries examined by us by laser- Doppler flowmetry, exposed to this vasoactive substan­ces by iontophoresis, would exhibit diminished endot­helium-dependent relaxation where there is an impaired endothelial function. Our results do indeed demonstrate that in women with praeeclampsia, the examined ves­sels failed to dilate when treated with acetylcholine, ho­wever the case was not so with sodium nitropruside. Improved understanding of the pathophysiology of pra­eeclampsia is necessary to allow better clinical manage­ment of this serious disorder. Keywords: praeeclampsia, endothelial dys­function, laser-Doppler flowmetry, iontopho­resis. Levelezési cím: DR. KISS JÓZSEF-ATTILA Kövesdomb u. 14/N52/16 Marosvásárhely (Dämbu Pietros Nr. 14/N52/16) Telefon: 0745 615 362 e-mail: 216 Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja 69 (3) 2006.
