Hungarian Studies Review Vol. 21., 1994

Articles - NANDOR F. DREISZIGER: Emigre Artists and Wartime Politics: The Hungarian-American Council for Democracy, 1943-45

DR. EMIL LENGYEL President of Ady Society, NYC JENO HAJNAL Leftist-Associate of John Roman MOZES SIMON (Gsv 4601), NYC Assistant Editor "Magyar Jovo" DR. HUGO RONY, Chicago Prominent liberal LASZLO MOHOLY-NAGY, Chicago Artist and Painter DR. ALEXANDER VINCE (VINCZE), Chicago Hungarian-American Democratic Federation JOHN TEREBESSY, NYC OWI script writer associated with "HARC", NYC American Federation of Democratic Hungarians GEORGE FALUDY 325 East 80th Street, NYC 4. In spite of the expressions of support of the Hungarian-American Council for Democracy, as revealed in the files of CNY and CPNY, the attempt to make the Council the major representative of Hungarian thought has met with opposition. In the communications directed to various South American groups, John Roman states that the "Horthy press", with the Hungarian Daily, "AMERIKAI MAGYAR NEPSZAVA", in the van, are attacking the formation of the Council. Correspondence on file at CNY and CPNY indicates that, even among the close associates of Count Karolyi, there is a lack of agreement as to the best means of promoting the Hungarian cause. Following Count Karolyi's announcement of his acceptance of the Honorary Presidency of the Council for Democracy, Oscar Jaszi and Rustem Vambery cabled him July 22nd, 1943 as follows: "SORRY WE CAN NOT FOLLOW YOU IN YOUR NEW COURSE" (Passed) Karolyi replied that he had "NO NEW LINE" and stated that if unity were lost, the responsibility would be theirs. Count Karolyi sent two cables on July 27th, 1943 appealing for unity. The first one, addressed to MOZES SIMON (Gsv 4601), NYC, reads: "PLEASE ASK LUGOSI AND CHICAGO HUNGARIAN COUNCIL IN MY NAME TO PUT ASIDE DIFFERENCES AND COLLABORATE WITH JASZI VAMBERY VINCE IN FACE MUSSOLINI CALL UP FORM IMMEDIATELY CONCENTRA­TION OF LEFT SENT SENT JASZI VAMBERY SIMILAR REQUEST" (Passed per CCC 145126-43) The second, directed to Oscar Jaszi, in Oberlin Ohio, is as follows:
