ACTA ALIMENTARIA VOL. 18 (An International Journal of Food Science, 1989)

1989 / 1. sz. - J. N. ZSINKA, Á.-FÖLDES, V.-GERE, A.-PERÉDI, J.-THURÓCZY-THIERMAYER, T.: Role of dietary oils in the regeneration of experimental lipid metabolism disturbance

1* Acta Alimentaria, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 3—11 (1989) ROLE OF DIETARY OILS IN THE REGENERATION OF EXPERIMENTAL LIPID METABOLISM DISTURBANCE Á. J. N. ZSINKA3 V. FÖLDES,B A. GERE ,B J. PERÉDIC and T. Til ljRÓCZY-ТШЕПМАYERd a Central Food Research Institute, H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó út 15. Hungary ъ National Institute of Food Hygiene and Nutrition, H-1097 Budapest, Gyáli út ll/a. Hungary c VegetabR Oil and Detergent Research Institute, H-1106 Budapest, Maglódi lit 0. Hungary d EG1S Fharmaceuticals, H-110G Budapest, Keresztúri út 30-38. Hungary Received: 1 April 1987; revision received: 28 March 1988; accepted: 29 March 1988) Sexually mature male Wistar rats were fed isoenergetically for G weeks with a synthetic lipogenic diet containing 20 percent sunflower-oil or an oil mixture consisting of 33 percent sunflower-oil and G7 percent MCT C8C10-rich oil, to induce a fat metabolism disturbance. Recording the changes in certain lipid indices of the serum and liver, rats were fed for further 3 weeks with a normal synthetic diet containing 5 percent of the same oils. Lipid indices of serum and liver and the fatty acid composition of the liver were again determined at the end of this period. It has been found that — the high lipid values of the serum and liver of rats, induced by the lipogenic diet, after a 3 weeks postfeeding with 5 percent fats in a normal synthetic diet showed the fat metabolism disturbance to become normalized; — in the period of regeneration the high lipid level in the serum came closer to the normal level upon consumption of the fat mixture than on sunflower-oil alone; — the high liver lipid values diminished after consumption of a normal synthetic diet with either of the fats; the total cholesterol content of the liver however was significantly lower when the rats were fed the fat mixture in the normal diet than with sunflower-oil; — the fatty acid composition of the liver approximated the control values upon consumption of both fats. As an effect of the fat mixture the total fatty acid content came near to the control value (P/S = 0.96), while upon consumption of sunflower-oil P/S = 1.7; — by the end of the regeneration period the high C]8.2/C20 4 quotient formed upon the consumption of the lipogenic diet diminished to a lower value (1.7) as an effect of the fat mixture, rather than upon sunflower-oil consumption (4.0). Keywords: fat-metabolism disturbance, regeneration, C8 C10 MCT/medium chain triglycerides/-rich fat mixture, serum and liver lipids In our former study (J. N. ZSINKA et al., 1988a) rats were fed a synthetic lipogenic diet containing (among others) 1% cholesterol and 20% of either sunflower-oil or a mixture of sunflower-oil and oil rich in medium chain (C8C10) triglycerides (MCT). As an effect of both diets with very different P/S values, a substantial increase of the lipid indices of serum and liver was observed compared to the control values. However, the effects of the two oils differed: sunflower-oil itself caused significantly lower serum and higher liver lipid content, while the MCT-rich oil and sunflower-oil mixture gave higher serum and lower liver lipid values, as a consequence of MCT-oil, similarly to Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
