ACTA JURIDICA - A MTA Jogtudományi Közleményei Tom. 9 (1967)

1967 / 1-2. sz. - WELTNER A.: Structure of the Socialist Economic System

1* Structure of the Socialist Economic System 3 the classic figures of Marxism.1 Even under the conditions of the building of socialism and communism the economic and social content of the organized labour of society and, within this framework, of state enterprises as units of the economic system together with their organizational and legal structure is a problem of primary importance. This statement is supported by the fact that the organizational and legal structure and the inner mechanism of the units of the economic system have a considerable influence on the way in which the communities of employees and workers, acting within the framework of the said units, fulfil their tasks and the duties that have to be performed toward the society. These points have furthermore an influence on the development of rentability, productivity, and the costs of production and finally on the course of the material and cultural level of the whole society. It is thus easily under­standable that economists and lawyers, psychologists as well as sociologists draw more and more attention to the external and internal features of the units of the economic system. 2. With the victory of the socialist revolution in a country its society has to face the historic task of organizing a connection between the means of pro­duction, transferred to state and collective ownership, and the man power of the society, liberated from exploitation. As it is generally known, the above-mentioned process is taking shape by the establishment of state enterprises by the State, by the delimitation of their tasks, with the placing at their disposal the fixed and current assets called also company assets, required for the fulfilment of the said tasks, and making possible the formation of the communities of workers and employees within the framework of state companies. Let us now examine the economic and social content embodied in the legal frame of state companies, the formation and development of the structure of state companies, the meaning of the term "company assets", and the rights and liabilities bearing on the community of a state company. Prior to deal with the problems enumerated in the preceding, the eco­nomic and social substance of the units of the economic system should be ana­lysed. According to a view that may be regarded as prevailing in the literature, the units of the economic system are not owners of the assets of which they are taking charge for it is the State alone with which ownership is vested in all cases and in an exclusive way.2 As far as the substance of the state-owned units of the economic system is concerned, the views mentioned above complied with social reality in a given period of the people's democratic development. In view of the achieve- 117. 1 MARX, A töke (Das Kapital). Budapest, 1949, Vol. I., pp. 347. ff. 2 VlLÁGHY — EÖRSI, Magyar polgári jog (Hungarian Civil Law). Budapest, 1962. p. Ada Juridica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Tomua 9, (1967)
