AGRÁRTÖRTÉNETI SZEMLE 62. évfolyam (2021)

2021 / 1-4. szám

PÓSÁN LÁSZLÓ ZÖLDSÉG- ÉS GYÜMÖLCSTERMESZTÉS A KÖZÉPKORI POROSZORSZÁGBAN ABSTRACT LÁSZLÓ PÓSÁN: VEGETABLE AND FRUIT PRODUCTION IN MEDIAEVAL PRUSSIA Vegetables and fruit played an important role in daily nourishment everywhere in mediaeval Europe. In Prussia, the state of the Teutonic Order, these products had a much more pronounced role as fruit and vegetables were consumed in significant numbers not just by the population, but also by the Order, the ecclesiastical organization that also controlled the state politically as an armed monastic community. The monastic rules strictly prescribed what and when the knights were allowed to consume, therefore every monastery strived to supply its own consumer demands. Close to the fortified monasteries of the Order vegetable gardens and orchards were established, and the locally produced crops were pickled, dried or other methods were used to conserve the produce for the winter months. The main vegetables grown in these gardens were primarily cabbages, onions, root vegetables, cucumbers, beetroot and watercress, while peas were grown mainly as horse fodder. In the orchards there were mainly apple, sour cherry, cherry and plum trees, as well as walnut and hazel. The produce of the latter kept without preservation for a longer time. In mediaeval Prussia, particularly in the Lower Vistula valley, grapes were also grown in several areas and local wine was a significant commodity of internal trade. Keywords: vegetable gardens and orchards, Gartenmeister, vine-dresser, Thorn wine, census Függetlenül attól, hogy ki milyen társadalmi helyzetű volt, a zöldségek és gyümöl­csök fontos szerepet töltöttek be a középkori táplálkozásban, a mindennapi étkezés­ben. Ebből következően szinte mindenhol voltak zöldséges- és gyümölcsöskertek (pomarium, hortus olerum, hortus arborum fructiferorum). A paraszti gazdaságok esetében az udvarhoz tartozó belső telek általában kertet vagy kerteket jelentett, és a városi polgárok is rendelkeztek a város falain belül és kívül egyaránt veteményes­kerttel, gyümölcsössel vagy szőlővel. A kolostorokhoz, várakhoz, nemesi udvarhá­zakhoz szintén tartoztak kertek.1 A paraszti, városi, kolostori és nemesi konyhaker­ 1 Sabine LORENZ-SCHMIDT: Vom Wert und Wandel weiblicher Arbeit. Geschlechtsspezifische Ar­beitsteilung in der Landwirtschaft in Bildern des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart 1998. 124.; SZABÓ István: A középkori magyar falu. Budapest 1969. 46.
